Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 114
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-5506-7 • Hardback • September 2020 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-4758-5507-4 • Paperback • September 2020 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5508-1 • eBook • September 2020 • $29.50 • (£25.00)
Dr. M. Scott Norton is a former school teacher, coordinator of curriculum, assistant superintendent and superintendent of schools. He has served as professor and vice-chairman of the Department of Educational Administration and Supervision at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and as professor and chairman of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at Arizona State University where he serves as professor emeritus.
Chapter One: Theoretcal Concepts Over the Years: What Theory Is and What It Is Not
Chapter Two: Educational Theories of the Scientific Management Era and Their Presence In Contemporary Practices
Chapter Three: Concepts of the Human Relations Era: Their Influence on Contemporary Practice
Chapter Four: Postmodernism: Behavioral Science and the Reconstructionist Movement
About the Author
The educational administrator resides in one of the most challenging, complex and responsible executive officer chairs in our society today. The administrator both directly and/or indirectly accepts responsibility for the academic achievement of every student under his or her supervision while at the same time has no control over the environment from which the student comes to school. The administrator oversees the activities of educators guiding the learner through a myriad of academic disciplines ranging from our language, mathematics, the sciences, our history, our government while at the same time serving as a model for their students on adapting to an ever changing society. Immediately upon opening Theory As The Most Practical of All Things, Norton guides the reader through the history of theory, the development of theory, and the application of theory to the reader’s/administrator’s daily challenges as he/she provides the leadership, guidance, and support needed by everyone—teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, parents, other support staff, activity sponsors--responsible for the success of every student in the school. In every chapter, Norton challenges the reader to question why or what theory or belief system has shaped or influenced the reader’s decisions or behaviors. Upon completing the reading of Theory As The Most Practical of All Things, every reader will be equipped with a foundation that will enable him or her to successfully identify, articulate, develop and incorporate those theories, practices, or belief systems most applicable to his/her school. Theory As The Most Practical of All Things is written for the educator that wants to create and sustain a learning environment that meets the needs of every student.
— Larry K. Kelly, Ed.D., author, educator, international consultant