Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 158
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-4758-5442-8 • Hardback • January 2020 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-4758-5443-5 • Paperback • July 2020 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5444-2 • eBook • January 2020 • $29.50 • (£25.00)
John Walkup, PhD is a pioneer in the classroom use of Cognitive Rigor, the superposition of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge. Supervising a team of 20 researchers at his own company, the author led the two largest studies of classroom rigor ever performed in the United States encompassing over 200 public schools and over a quarter-million student assignments.
Stephan Squire, MS teaches physics at McLane High School in Fresno, CA. He earned his master’s degree in physics at California State University, Fresno studying the impact of lab activities designed to promote scientific reasoning and critical thinking.
Chapter 1: Scope of the Lesson
Chapter 2: Crafting a Culminating Activity
Chapter 3: Identifying Lesson Content
Chapter 4: Selecting Instructional Methods
Chapter 5: Background Knowledge Barriers
Chapter 6: Developing Formative Assessments
Chapter 7: Vignette
Appendix A: Instructional Strategies
Appendix B : Templates
In collaboration with Squire, a high school educator, Walkup details how the Cognitive Rigor Matrix works in the culminating activity, scope, delivery, and formative assessment of lessons by providing the rationale, definition, steps, and sample lesson plans. One particularly novel discussion surrounds a strategy to accommodate background barriers of diverse learners while setting up all learners for success in state tests, referred to as subskill scaffolding. Walkup and Squire offer abundant tips and examples in a variety of subjects, including English, math, art, and engineering, as well as instructional strategies and templates in the appendix. This book makes an excellent reference for education professionals.
— Choice Reviews
A decade after John and I co-authored an article about cognitive rigor, many teachers still struggle with how to design curriculum and assessments that are less about difficulty and more about complexity. Dr. Walkup's use of the 'Rigor Cube' offers a new perspective to teachers in lesson plan development.— Karin Hess, EdD, internationally recognized leader in curricular rigor and assessment
Dr. Walkup has provided educators with a trifecta in his book, The Art and Science of Lesson Design. He lays out the what, the why, and the how of creating lessons that are engaging, relevant, and rigorous for students. He meticulously walks readers through every aspect of the planning process providing examples as quality models. Walkup brings the cognitive rigor matrix to instructional life.— Connie Hamilton, EdS,author, Hacking Questions; co-author, Hacking Homework; K-12 curriculum director, Saranac Community Schools; education consultant
No matter what pedagogical preferences a teacher may have, Dr. Walkup's Rigor Cube helps determine how to fit the content and goals with the appropriate teaching strategy. His subtle humor, practicality, and humility bridge the gulf between teaching philosophy warriors. This standards-based lesson planning guide is a must-have for both pre-service and veteran educators.— Lane Walker, EdD, NBCT teacher, high school mathematics
The Art and Science of Lesson Design cuts through the noise typically associated with many books on education and lays out a clear, thorough, well-researched path to designing rigorous lessons. As a teacher in a competitive college preparatory school, I have used Dr. Walkup’s guide to plan, deliver, and assess high quality lessons that both stimulated and challenged my students. This book should be required reading in every teacher preparation program and it should be on the shelf of every educator.— Matthew Ryan, high school English teacher