Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 168
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-4758-5424-4 • Hardback • February 2020 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-4758-5425-1 • Paperback • January 2020 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5426-8 • eBook • February 2020 • $29.50 • (£25.00)
Adam J. MacLeod is Professor of Law at Faulkner University and a former research fellow at Princeton University and George Mason University. He is co-editor of two textbooks and author of Property and Practical Reason (Cambridge University Press 2015) and dozens of articles, essays, and book reviews in academic journals and journals of popular opinion.
Chapter 1: The Return of Morals (and the End of Neutrality)
Chapter 2: Understanding Each Other
Chapter 3: A Collection of Selfies
Chapter 4: The Practical Question
Chapter 5: Rights Without Duties, Wrongs Without Right
Chapter 6: The Idea of Truth
Chapter 7: Should and Must Not
Chapter 8: The “S” Word
Chapter 9: The Power of Indifference
Chapter 10: Doing Difference Well
The Age of Selfies is a quick read with a straightforward argument about the importance of reasonable, principled disagreement to our civic discourse, institutions, and education. . . . MacLeod’s urgent refrain-of-musts will echo in the thoughts and prayers of sensitive, conscientious readers: “If we are going to get anywhere in our discourse, then we must move beyond stereotypes and personal attacks. We must stop attributing to each other the worst motivations. We must instead seek to understand the reasonable, even admirable, motivations of people with whom we disagree.” This seems, and, I daresay, feels right.
— The Russell Kirk Center
Adam MacLeod is the rare author who lives the principles he espouses in his newest book. I know this to be true because we have worked together as professors for many years. When Adam and I disagree on political and social issues, as we often do, he is ever the worthiest of opponents; fierce in the defense of his principles but gentle in friendship. I am honored to count Adam among my friends, and I highly recommend his book to anyone who seeks to elevate civil discourse in today's world. It is well worth the read.— Shirley Howell, Professor of Law, Faulkner University
The existence of free societies requires common moral standards that transcend the personal and subjective preoccupations of diverse people. While robust disagreements and controversies are natural and vital, denying natural-law moral standards subverts civil discourse and the foundations of liberty. Adam MacLeod’s superb and timely book, The Age of Selfies, examines how our ability to reason together relies upon a civic friendship, goodwill, and trust among one another. The book reveals why moral education is crucial and what educational institutions and practices rooted in unshakable principles are needed to restore the contours of human flourishing.— David J. Theroux, Founder and President, Independent Institute; Founder and President, C.S. Lewis Society of California
1/24/2020 - Author Adam MacLeod delivered a talk on the subject of his book, entitled "Adam MacLeod on the rise of morality in public discourse" at the Acton Institute. Link: