Chapter 1: What’s Evaluation For?
Force of Habit
What’s Evaluation For?
Chapter 2: Marking and Grading: The Tail that Wags the Dog
A House of Cards
Chapter 3: A Case for Using Evaluative Feedback
Evaluation as Feedback
Obstacles to Using Evaluative Feedback In Lieu of Grades
Chapter 4: Evaluative Feedback that Enables and Promotes Growth
Identifying the Criteria: What are we looking for?
What is Being Measured?
Learning Goals and Evaluation Practices
Chapter 5: Written Diagnostic Evaluative Feedback Across the Curriculum
Examples from the Primary Grades
Examples from the Intermediate Grades
Examples from Secondary School
Chapter 6: It’s All About How You Say It
Reflecting in Action
Examining a Classroom Discussion
Hooked on Praise
Chapter 7: Impediments to Good Diagnostic Judgment
Taming the Impulse to Punish by Evaluative Judgment
Two Cents Worth of Advice to Teachers
Chapter 8: Reporting to Parents
Some examples of teachers’ written reports
Parent-teacher-student conferences
Chapter 9: Students as Self Evaluators
Children Evaluating Themselves in the Primary Grades – The Child in the Process
Written Self-Evaluation Reports in the Primary Grades
Students Evaluating Themselves in a One-on-One Tutorial
Students Evaluating Themselves in the Secondary School
Teachers’ Assessments on the Profiles
Chapter 10: Institutional Changes Toward Using Evaluative Feedback in Reporting to Parents
Examples of Schools that “Dare to Be Different”
Chapter 11: Evaluation as a Subversive Activity: What Can a Teacher Do?
Chapter 12: Postscript: A Personal Odyssey
A Professional Journey
About the Author