Dr. Bill Daggett, Founder and Chairman, International Center for Leadership in Education
Part One
Chapter 1: Why Culture Matters
Chapter 2: The Farrington Way: A Culture of A’o
Chapter 3: The Chemistry of Culture
Chapter 4: Emphasize Empathy
Chapter 5: A Mental Model of Culture
Part Two
Chapter 6: Trust in Trust
Chapter 7: Release Control
Chapter 8: Empower Others
Chapter 9: Celebrate Collaboration
Chapter 10: Building Better Relationships
Chapter 11: Exercise Empathy
Chapter 12: Emphasize Empathy
Chapter 13: Blended Learning
Chapter 14: Empowering ELLs
Chapter 15: Classroom Collaboration
Afterword: The Aloha Spirit of the Island
Appendix A: Growth Mindset Frayer Model
Appendix B: Empathy Plan
Appendix C: The Culture Framework®
Appendix D: The Rigor/Relevance Framework®
Appendix E: The Successful Practices Network
Appendix F: 20 Day Trust Building Action Plan
Appendix G: Trust Self-Reflection Guide
Appendix H: Teacher Leadership Cadre Application
Appendix I: Teacher Leadership Cadre Meeting Norms
Appendix J: Teacher Leadership Cadre Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix K: Teacher Leadership Cadre Relationship Activities
Appendix L: Teacher Leadership Cadre Working Styles Assessment
Appendix M: Teacher Leadership Cadre Make-up Activity
Appendix N: Teacher Leadership Cadre Make-up Activity
Appendix O: Collaboration Rubric
About the Author