Series Preface: Dominic P. Scibilia
Foreword: Raymond Kiem
Introduction: Brian Gatens and Dominic Scibilia
Section I: The District Vision and Administrative Praxis
Chapter 1: The social emotional life of a school system
The district superintendent as mentor
Brian P. Gatens, EdD
Chapter 2: Social-Emotional Journey
The Life and Practice of the Teacher
Alice Opperman
Section II: The Memorial School (K-3)
Chapter 3: Journey to Support the Whole Individual Child
Kristin Gagliano, Principal
Chapter 4: Learning to Write Realistic Fiction
Self-Awareness and the Beginning of Moral Mindfulness
Nicole Masucci, Teacher - First Grade
Section III: The Villano School (Grades 4-6)
Chapter 5: Making SEL a Way of Being
Jessica Espinoza, Principal
Chapter 6: The Three Dimensions of Social Emotional Learning in School
from the Lens of the School Social Worker
Devan Chiusano
Section IV: The Junior - Senior High (Grades 7-12)
Chapter 7: Using Socratic Seminar to Engage Students in Social-Emotional Learning
Jennifer Norato and Jessica Polizzi, Social Studies Teachers
Epilogue: Dominic P. Scibilia
About the Authors