Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 198
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-4758-5013-0 • Hardback • July 2019 • $75.00 • (£58.00)
978-1-4758-5014-7 • Paperback • July 2019 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-5015-4 • eBook • July 2019 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
Trace Lahey worked with student teachers for many years in both elementary and secondary contexts in her capacity as a teacher, administrator, and student teaching seminar instructor. At present, Trace serves as a teacher educator and educational researcher, teaching methods courses and continuing to work closely with student teachers.
Foreword: Ruth Vinz
Preface: Designing your teaching life
Chapter 1: Planning for a successful student teaching experience
Chapter 2: Working with your program-based mentor
Chapter 3: Working with key school stakeholders
Chapter 4: Designing high quality lesson plans
Chapter 5: Designing a range of high quality assessments
Chapter 6: Designing high quality instruction
Chapter 7: Analyzing and acting on assessment data
Chapter 8: Composing a strong, aligned edTPA
Resources: Supporting your student teaching with further reading
As a Physical Education cooperating teacher, I found Designing your teaching life to be excellent preparation for student teachers. It clearly details what is expected in the career of everyday teaching. It is an amazing piece of literature.
— Josephine Nasta, PE teacher and administrator, New York City Department of Education
This book is so useful for preparing student teachers. As an administrator, I strongly recommend reading this book prior to taking a single education course. The author’s experience working with many student teachers over the years really comes through.
— Yegzeru Amare, Elementary School Administrator, New York City Department of Education
Designing Your Teaching Life is a user friendly guide for candidates who are compiling their edTPA portfolios. Candidates will benefit greatly from clear explanations, checklists and visuals, which will build their confidence when submitting the edTPA and student teaching. This book will also be an excellent resource for faculty that are responsible for preparing teacher candidates.
— Zena Cooper, EdD, York College, City University of New York
This is a book every aspiring teacher will want to have. It is a great companion for those preparing to begin their student teaching experience, as well as those preparing to enter their own classroom.
— Tanya Wiggins, EdD, Pace University
Reading this book feels like a thoughtful and reflective conversation with caring mentor teacher. Every teacher candidate/student teacher will greatly benefit from the book’s
detailed and caring advice. This book provides much of the “hidden curriculum”
that is assumed all student teachers must know to be successful.
— Stacie Erdahl, Cooperating Teacher, West Linn-Wilsonville School District, Oregon
Learning to teach is a life-long process, because as Lahey shows us, teaching is a very complex and creative endeavor. Breaking down this multifaceted act into the steps and considerations at every stage, from entering the culture of a classroom to understanding the numerous aspects of lesson planning, Designing Your Teaching Life will serve as an invaluable guide for the person just entering this exciting and rewarding profession.
— Randi Dickson, EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University