It is all about classroom climate! The foundation of effective teaching is knowing that teaching is a human endeavor requiring deliberate practices to develop a classroom climate supporting the unique needs of every student. Now more than ever, as teachers move past the challenges created from Covid-19, developing classroom climates that support the needs of students is even more paramount to their success. While teachers have this supporting climate mindset, they often lack the strategies they need. Creating Positive ClassroomClimate is timely and provides examples of successful practices from teachers around the world on how to build positive climates in diverse settings. Teachers are introduced to strategies for classroom startup, developing critical relationships that build trust, establishing essential routines, and approaches to ensure ongoing support of a positive climate in their classrooms. Simply a great resource for all teachers!
— Philip D. Lanoue, PhD, 2015 American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Superintendent of the Year
Creating Positive Classroom Climate, offers a set of strategies and heuristics for new teachers, as well as affirmations and reminders for veterans that are applicable at all developmental levels. This book unlocks practical methods and tools that provide concrete examples of pedagogy and instructional styles that have been proven effective in various school settings, focusing on what truly works in schools to improve learning.
— Peggy Brookins, National Board Certified Teacher, President and CEO National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
This is a wonderfully thorough and explicit handbook! It’s a quick and easy read, and you will find there are strategies for every age level which are easy to implement in your classroom right away. It is truly an amazing resource for all teachers. Each chapter is thoughtfully designed to grow a teacher’s repertoire of strategies for building classroom community on multiple levels, and to support learners across all backgrounds. This book is a substantial guide for any teacher - from the novice to the master! I would highly recommend this book to educators at all levels and look forward to putting these strategies into action! I will definitely keep Creating a Positive Classroom Climate in my desk drawer for quick reference and ideas.
— Katie Ferguson, National Board Certified Teacher, 2012 New York State Teacher of the Year
Now more than ever before, it is clear that educators have to be flexible and ready for anything. Creating Positive Classroom Climates is timely and relevant, offering a plethora of tools and strategies which are applicable to every classroom. It is the book teachers need to rethink and restructure what learning can look like, and it is written by teachers for teachers. If you've ever been afraid to try something new or to re-envision what learning can look like in your classroom, this is the book for you!
— Lindsey L. Jensen, 2018 Illinois Teacher of the Year, Educators Rising Illinois State Coordinator
Creating Positive Classroom Climate is a practical and comprehensive book that benefits all educators. The book supports both the novice teacher and the reflective educator at any stage or level of their career. The area of culture and climate is at the foundation of good teaching. When I meet with teachers, I often ask, ‘What is in YOUR toolbox?’ If there is any question or doubt, this essential read will poignantly help them find and utilize the strategies, instructional skills, and pedagogically sound techniques to develop and maintain a positive classroom climate climate in the classroom. As a former teacher, reading coach, vice principal, a principal coach, and as a sitting principal, I believe this book willhelp lead to robust conversations about teaching and learning.
— Paula Bethea, M.A., Principal, Trenton, NJ
At a time when our students have more non-academic needs than ever before, it is critical that every educator has tools to support their students (and themselves). In this book, Maureen and Jonathan lay out exactly what to consider when determining how to support students and strategies to meet them where they are, all through the lens of research involving teachers in diverse settings. What a gift! Dive in, implement, and watch the magic happen.
— LaVonna Roth, founder, consultant, and lead speaker of Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.