Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University
Editors’ Introduction to Raise Your Voices
Part I: Inviting Conversations
Editors’ Introduction to Part I
Chapter 1: Inquiry and Discussion
Thomas M. McCann, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Chapter 2: Authentic Discussion and Writing
Elizabeth E. Kahn, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Chapter 3: Discussion and Literature
Carolyn Calhoun Walter, Northern IllinoisUniversity
Chapter 4: Daily Classroom Discourse That Supports Speaking and Listening Goals
Kim Gwizdala, Glenbard West, High School, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Part II: Reflecting on Practice to Foster Engagement and Learning
Editors’ Introduction to Part II
Chapter 5: Seeing and Hearing What Actually Happens
Dawn Forde, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Illinois
Chapter 6: Inviting Student Reflection on Participation
Andrew Bouque, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Illinois
Chapter 7: Planning, Managing, and Troubleshooting for Rich Discussions
Andrew Bouque and Dawn Forde, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Illinois
Part III: Expanding Conversations
Editors’ Introduction to Part III
Chapter 8: Layers of Discussion
Lisa Whitmer, Larkin High School, Elgin, Illinois
Chapter 9: Extending the Conversation: Discussion-Based Inquiry Units
Julianna Cucci and Zanfina Rrahmani Muja, Maine Township High School District, DesPlaines, Illinois
Chapter 10: Digital Discussions
Nicole Boudreau Smith and Mark Patton, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Illinois
Chapter 11: Discussion, Deliberation, and Democracy
Tamara Jaffe-Notier, Niles West High School, Skokie, Illinois
Part IV: Including Everyone in Conversations
Editors’ Introduction to Part IV
Chapter 12: Discussion with English Learners: Both Possible and Powerful
Barbara Alvarez, Huntley High School, Huntley, Illinois, and Shannon McMullen, Glenbard North High School, Carol Stream, Illinois
Chapter 13: Discussing Difference: Engaging Students with Learning Differences in Authentic Discussion
Claire Walter, Wolcott School, Chicago, Illinois
Chapter 14: “Talk isn’t Cheap in Here:” Discussion in Prison Classrooms
Deborah Appleman, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota
Chapter 15: A Place for Reticent Speakers
Patricia Dalton, Fremont High School, Sunnyvale, California
About the Editors
About the Contributors