Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 128
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3998-2 • Hardback • February 2018 • $62.00 • (£48.00)
978-1-4758-3999-9 • Paperback • February 2018 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-4000-1 • eBook • February 2018 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
Rosemary Gornik is an assistant professor and program coordinator of educational leadership at Kent State University (KSU). Since 1973, Rosemary served as K-12 classroom teacher, principal, and central office administrator in the areas of curriculum, instruction and assessment, and retired as superintendent in 2013. Rosemary has several publications on teacher leadership, and is the principal investigator on a KSU grant to increase teacher leadership in Ohio.
Wendy L. Samford, is a prior administrator of thirteen years, currently working on two book projects and is co-investigator on a state grant through Kent State University to increase teacher leadership in Ohio. She is happily married with four great kids and continues her work for the renewal of education in the U.S.
Chapter One: Policy, Curriculum, Leadership: What is the aim of education?
Rosemary Gornik, Ph.D.
Chapter Two: So How Do You Build a Culture of Support for Teacher Leaders?
Wendy L. Samford, Ph.D.
Chapter Three: Creating a Culture to Support Teacher Leadership – Why?
Michael J. Roberto, Ed.S.
Chapter Four:Supporting Teacher Leadership from Central Office
Susan Jaroscak, M.Ed.
Chapter Five: The Urban Experience for Creating a Culture of Support for Teacher Leaders
Zelina M. Pames, Ed.S.
Chapter Six: A Principal’s Journey in Support of Teacher Leadership
Paul Milcitech, Ph.D.
Chapter Seven: Unique Opportunities for Developing Teacher Leadership in Non-traditional Teaching Roles
Julie Troman, M.Ed.
Chapter Eight: Barriers to TeacherLeadership
Christy Roshong, M.Ed.
Teacher leadership is coming into the fore as we realize that the role of school leaders is to spawn widespread teacher leadership. What is great about ‘Creating a Culture of Support for Teacher Leaders’ is that the chapters weave the symbiotic experiences of teachers and administrators working together to change the culture of schools in sustainable ways. A book that unleashes the power of teacher leadership for the good of all.
— Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, Author of Leading in a Culture of Change
There is a profound need today for visionary educational leaders who possess holistic, democratic values. Rosemary Gornik and Wendy Samford’s well-researched book provides deep practical and narrative insights into how this professional need can be fulfilled. They clearly explain and demonstrate a collaborative leadership development that is vital to the future of quality, public education in democratic societies.
— James Henderson, PhD, Professor of Curriculum Studies,Rebecca Tolle and Burton W. Gorman Chair in Educational Leadership, Kent State University
This important new book sheds light on the importance of leadership, in multiple roles and forms, for improving the performance of schools. For educators and others who seek to break new ground and to create schools that are truly responsive to the needs of all students, this book will be enlightening.
— Pedro A. Noguera Ph.D, distinguished professor of education UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies