Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 137
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4758-3989-0 • Hardback • May 2021 • $83.00 • (£64.00)
978-1-4758-3990-6 • Paperback • May 2021 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-3991-3 • eBook • May 2021 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
John Tufte has taught in secondary and higher education for over 20 years and has served as a dean, principal, and K-12 superintendent. He is a 2012 Outstanding Faculty of the Year recipient and writes and speaks to educators, administrators, and parents on educational leadership, coaching, youth sports, and K-12 curriculum and instruction.
Brenda Tufte has taught in K-12 and higher education for over 25 years and is a professor and chair in Graduate Education, overseeing programs in Teacher Leadership and Educational Leadership and Administration. She writes and leads professional development in K-12 and higher education and is the 2012 North Dakota Teacher of the Year, 2014 NEA Foundation Global Fellow, and 2017 Crystal Apple Award recipient for Outstanding Post-Secondary Educator.
Part One: Impacting Student Success
Chapter 1: Critical vs. Peripheral
Chapter 2: High-Impact Educators
Part Two: The Ever-Growing List of 21st Century Skills
Chapter 3: Critical Thinking
Chapter 4: Curiosity and Creativity
Chapter 5: Collaboration
Chapter 6: Autonomy
Chapter 7: Communication Skills
Chapter 8: Determination and the Growth Mindset
Chapter 9: Character
Part Three: Relationships and Student Growth
Chapter 10: Emphasizing Relationships
Chapter 11: Emphasizing Student Growth
A Note to Parents
The Authors
Schools and universities can benefit from the data and insights presented in this book. Tufte and Tufte show that student success in K-12 and higher education does not happen by chance. We all can benefit from a deeper understanding of how high-impact educators empower students.
— Todd Whitaker, educator, international presentor, and author of What Great Principals Do Differently: Fifteen Things that Matter Most
This valuable research study reveals the components of schooling that students say most contributed to their success in college and in the post-graduate workplace. The authors discuss these components in depth and remind us how many of them can be overlooked as teachers focus mainly on covering curriculum. Using the outcomes of this study, the authors offer constructive suggestions to educators for cognitive, social, and emotional considerations that will enhance students’ learning and their future success.
— David A. Sousa, author and consultant in educational neuroscience
We’ve spent the better part of the 21st century determining how to cultivate and develop K-12 educators to create meaningful and rigorous experiences for students. Drs. Brenda and John Tufte’s inquiry to uncover what really makes a high-impact educator enlists the often overlooked “expert” knowledge of our recent graduates, who have spent 13+ years in classrooms. Their research findings provide a compelling set of descriptors to aid educators in deepening their impact on students and, thus, society.
— Chad Miller, educator and Hawaii’s 2012 State Teacher of the Year
How refreshing that these authors have designed and shared their research from the voice and experience of students! What could be more relevant or important feedback for teachers than what our students say makes the difference in their success? Novel concept in the field of education! Great read!
— Melody Hackney, educator and Virginia’s 2021 Superintendent of the Year