Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 154
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3819-0 • Hardback • September 2017 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-1-4758-3820-6 • Paperback • September 2017 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3821-3 • eBook • September 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Stephen Coffin is a Ph.D. candidate in education at the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University; teaches school finance as an adjunct professor for Montclair State University and as a part time lecturer for Rutgers University; teaches school and higher education finance and economics as an adjunct instructor for Fordham University; has earned an MBA and MPA; and focuses on education finance and policy, charter schools, community economic development, school business administration, and equal educational opportunity and equity. He is the author or editor for several education-focused articles, chapters and books.
Bruce S. Cooper, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus, Education Administration and Public Policy, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University; having taught at University of Pennsylvania and Dartmouth College, after receiving his doctorate at the University of Chicago with Donald A. Erickson, as his mentor. Cooper has written 35 books on education politics and policy, including The Handbook of Education Politics and Policy, in two editions with Lance D. Fusarelli and James Cibulka; served as President of the Politics of Education Association and a founding member of Private School Research Association; and received the Jay D. Scribner Award for Mentoring and the UCEA.
Foreword: Charles J. Russo
Introduction and Value Proposition—Bruce Cooper and Stephen Coffin
Chapter 1: The 4 “E” Words of Quality School Finance: Equity, Equality, Efficiency, and Effectiveness —Bruce Cooper and Stephen Coffin
Chapter 2: “N.A.P.E.R.” Steps in a Budget Model and Process—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 3: Strategic Budgeting for School Principals— Lawrence O. Picus
Chapter 4: Enrollment: Students Drive the “Budget Bus”—William Hartman and Robert Schoch
Chapter 5: Personnel: Education is a People Enterprise —Bruce Cooper and Stephen Coffin
Chapter 6: Special Education: Special Needs Budgeting—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 7: State Education Aid: How to budget and manage state aid—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 8: Budgeting and Managing Federal Aid—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 9: Budgeting and Managing for Local Revenues—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 10: Privatization, Vouchers, and Tuition Tax Credits—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 11: Charter Schools and TPSDs: The “Charterization” of the school system—Stephen Coffin and Bruce Cooper
Chapter 12: School Finance for Principals: Money May Be Green but Financial Policy Should Be Transparent –David Dolph
Chapter 13: The Way Forward: It’s Now for All of Us—Bruce Cooper & Stephen Coffin