Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
Pages: 228
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-4758-3738-4 • Hardback • June 2018 • $75.00 • (£58.00)
978-1-4758-3739-1 • Paperback • June 2018 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3740-7 • eBook • June 2018 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
Frederick Burrack is Professor of Music and Director of Assessment at Kansas State University. After teaching music in the public schools for 20 years, he now researches and presents internationally on assessment practice.
Kelly A. Parkes is Associate Professor of Music and Music Education at Teachers College, Columbia University directs the student teaching and initial certification program.
Chapter 1: Model Cornerstone Assessments: Kelly A. Parkes
Chapter 2: The Pilot Study Process: Frederick Burrack and Kelly A. Parkes
Chapter 3: Grade 2 Model Cornerstone Assessments: Daniel C. Johnson
Chapter 4: Grade 5 MCA: Denese Odegaard, Michael J. Ruybalid, and Mary Kate Newell
Chapter 5: Grade 8 MCA: Ann Clements, Katherine Willow, and Kristina R. Weimer
Chapter 6: Ensembles MCA: Alan Holcomb, Glenn E. Nierman, and Bret P. Smith
Chapter 7: Harmonizing Instruments Model Cornerstone Assessment: Wendy K. Matthews and Daniel C. Johnson
Chapter 8: Composition/Theory Model Cornerstone Assessment: Patricia Riley
Chapter 9: Technology Model Cornerstone Assessment: Phillip Payne
Chapter 10: Methodology for Qualitative Data: Frederick Burrack
Chapter 11: Methodology of Psychometric Qualities: Brian C. Wesolowski
Chapter 12: Examination of the Psychometric Qualities of the Model Cornerstone
Assessments: Brian C. Wesolowski
Chapter 13: A Case for Validity and Reliability: Frederick Burrack
Chapter 14: Connections to Higher Education in Music: Phillip Payne and Jeffrey Ward
Chapter 15: Curricular and Instructional Implications: Frederick Burrack and Kelly A. Parkes
About the Contributors
About the Editors
Never before has NAfME created Model Cornerstone Assessments to align with the National Music Standards. These outstanding examples of standards-based lesson plans are a model to help music educators teach the Create, Perform, and Respond Artistic Processes. Included in this publication are rubrics for assessing to the standards. These lessons have been developed over time and tested with music teachers across the country in all types of teaching situations. Their feedback has resulted in the final products in this book. These exemplars are a wonderful insight into teaching and assessing to the standards. I highly recommend this book to guide instruction.
— Denese Odegaard, NAfME President
This book represents a major advancement for the music education profession and heralds a new era of research-based assessment practice for the field. In an unprecedented nationwide collaboration of leading music education researchers and K-12 music teachers, the Model Cornerstone Assessments are aligned with the National Core Arts Standards for music and emerge from the triangulation of results from a mixed design approach that accounts for the complexity of music learning and its measurement in multiple contexts. The MCAs will impact music teaching and learning for many years to come.
— Timothy S. Brophy, Professor of Music Education and Director of Institutional Assessment, University of Florida
This book presents a game-changing addition to the National Core Music Standards that were released in 2014. The Model Cornerstone Assessments in music are collaboratively designed, teacher-tested units with state-of-the-art authentic assessments designed to guide instruction and measure how well students have learned the standards. This book explains why and how these tools can be used, while also providing hard data music educators can use to demonstrate to administrators that their assessments meet rigorous standards for reliability and validity.
— Scott C. Shuler, PhD, Consultant, Solutions Music Group; Past-President, NAfME: The National Association for Music Education