Part I: Functional Behavior Assessment
Chapter 1: Do you See What I See? Describing and Defining the Target Behavior
Chapter 2: Asking the Right Questions: Understanding the Target Behavior
Chapter 3: The Right Place and the Right Time: Observing the Target Behavior
Chapter 4: At a Glance: Visualizing the Data
Chapter 5: Hypothesizing the Why and Determining the Function
Part II: Behavior Intervention Plan
Chapter 6: Planning the How: Developing a BIP
Chapter 7: Chocolate for Almonds: Understanding the Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behavior (FERB)
Chapter 8: It’s About to Go Down: Strategies to Decrease Behavior
Chapter 9: What is Caught should be Taught: Strategies to Teach and Reinforce Behavior
Chapter 10: Strategies to Increase Integrity and Generalization of Implementation
Appendix A: Blank Functional Behavior Plan
Appendix B- Sonya’s Functional Behavior Plan
Appendix C- Murray’s Functional Behavior Plan
About the Author