Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 178
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3484-0 • Hardback • January 2018 • $69.00 • (£53.00)
978-1-4758-3485-7 • Paperback • January 2018 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-3486-4 • eBook • January 2018 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
Mickey Kolis is the author of six books dealing with teaching and learning, a veteran public school teacher, and currently a university professor. Making learning relevant is his highest professional aspiration.
Benjamin H. Kolis is an actor, director, theatre-maker and writer living in Minneapolis. MN.
Jessica Hobelsberger Flanagan has taught high school social studies for 11 years, and has taught many courses including various history classes as well as Global Issues, Economics, Law, and Civics.
Section 1: Brainball (Social Studies Edition) - Why Social Studies Matter
Chapter 1: Brainball (Social Studies Edition) – The Point of the Game is Learning
Chapter 2: The Big Ideas: Product, Process, and Community aligned with Purpose
Chapter 3: Brainball (SSE) Beliefs (Dispositions)
Chapter 4: Brainball (SSE) Key Knowledge Categories
Chapter 5: Brainball (SSE) Skills
Section 2: Preparing to Coach the Game
Chapter 6: Tip 1: Keep the End-in-Mind
Chapter 7: Tip 2: Play the Game
Chapter 8: Tip 3: Competitions as Evaluations
Chapter 9: Tip 4: Sequences matter
Chapter 10: Tip 5: Explicit Communications
Section 3: Day-to-Day Lesson Plans: Brainball Illuminated
Unit Plan Overview
Lesson 1: Observations
Lesson 2: Observations
Lesson 3: Observations/Curiosity
Lesson 4: Identify Pre-Existing Knowledge/Conceptions
Lesson 5: Curiosity
Lesson 6: Develop Collaboration Norms
Lesson 7: Identify Issue/Problem
Lesson 8: Project & Time Management
Lesson 9: Research- Bias and Triangulation of Sources
Lesson 10: Communication Skills – Interview, Letter and Email Skills
Lesson 11: Communication skills – Public Speaking
Lesson 12: Create – Research: Gather Information
Lesson 13: Create – Research: Sort Information
Lesson 14: Create – Project Prep & Implementation
Lesson 15: Design Presentation
Lesson 16: Project Presentations
Lesson 17: Synthesis – “I Learned”
Lesson 18: Reflection & Self-Assessment
Lesson 19: Summative Conference
Appendix A: Inquiry Based Learning Project Examples
Appendix B: Global Issues Project
Appendix C: Global Citizenship Rubrics
Appendix D: 3, 2, & 1’s
Appendix E: IBLP Global Citizenship Tracker
Appendix F: Burning Questions
Appendix G: Collaboration Norms Contract
Appendix: H: Preliminary IBLP Plan
Appendix I: IBLP Implementation Plan
Appendix J: Which of these Things is not like the others?
Appendix K: Exit Slip
Appendix L: Peer Feedback Protocol
Appendix M: Shapes
Appendix N: Global Citizenship IBLP Project Reflection
Appendix O: List of Resources
Brainball (Social Studies edition) lays out an inquiry-driven approach of teaching Social Studies in the 21st century. Not only do the authors provide sound reasoning and research on meaningful learning, they also provide lesson plans that educators can use in their classrooms on Day 1. I had countless "Of course! That makes total sense!" moments throughout reading this. Brainball is an excellent resource for Social Studies teachers, curriculum coordinators, and administrators who are serious about making teaching more relevant.
— Sam Van Hefty, Social Studies teacher, Deer Creek Middle School, Colorado
Relevant, purposeful, and engaging. Each of these words came to mind while reading, Brainball (Social Studies Edition). New and veteran educators will find inspiration in the pages of this book. Practical examples abound with the wealth of materials created by veteran Social Studies educator, Jessica Hobelsberger Flanagan. I would highly recommend this text to both my student teachers and colleagues.
— Ryan Elizabeth Ruegnitz, Social studies educator, Adjunct university instructor, and Virtual teacher supervisor