Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 194
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3466-6 • Hardback • October 2017 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-1-4758-3467-3 • Paperback • October 2017 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3468-0 • eBook • October 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Dr. Andrew Johnson is a professor of literacy at Minnesota State University, Mankato where he specializes in literacy instruction for struggling readers and students with intellectual disabilities. He also works with schools to design practical interventions and RTI plans for struggling readers. He worked for 9 years in the public schools as an elementary teacher, gifted education coordinator, and wrestling coach before moving into higher education. He is the author of many books and articles related to literacy, teaching pedagogy, and other educational topics.
Introduction: Becoming A Master Teacher
Chapter 1: Six Types of Lessons
Chapter 2: Teacher Reflection
Chapter 3: Direct Instruction
Chapter 4: Expository Teaching, Meaningful Learning, and Schema-Building Lessons
Chapter 5: The Process
Chapter 6: Using Direction Instruction to Teach Concepts
Chapter 7: Teaching a Skill
Chapter 8: Discovery Learning
Chapter 9: Problem-Based Learning
Chapter 10: Inquiry Learning
Chapter 11: Cooperative Learning
Chapter 12: Small Group Speeches
Chapter 13: Questions and Discussions
Chapter 14: Thinking Skills
Chapter 15: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy To Create Activities And Assignments
Chapter 16: Learning Contracts
Chapter 17: Tiered Assignments and UDL
Chapter 18: Learning Stations and Learning Centers
Chapter 19: Using Multiple Intelligence Theory To Enhance Learning
Chapter 20: Preparing Online Lessons
Chapter 21: Learning Logs
Chapter 22: All Teachers Are Teachers of Reading
Chapter 23: Writing
Conclusion: The Science, Art, and Craft of Teaching
You will love this book and want to have it close at hand in every professional setting. For both novice and veteran educators, it overflows with valuable explanations and incredibly helpful strategies you can implement easily. Your teaching will come alive and your students will excel because of it.
— Angie Miles, Broadcast Journalist, Literacy Educator and Founder of HAPPY Reading
Teaching Strategies for All Teachers is the Swiss army knife of professional development for teachers who seek a deeper understanding of the art, science, and craft of teaching. Dr. Johnson grabs the essence of the 'doing' of effective teaching whether at the graduate level or the pre-school/kindergarten level and creates an instructional collage of comprehensible thinking activities and reading strategies that pre-service and practicing teachers can use immediately in field experiences and in classroom teaching.
Drawing from the seminal work of Lev Vygotsky, Michael Pressley, Benjamin Bloom, Anita Woolfolk, Howard Gardner, Robert Sternberg, and others Teaching Strategies for All Teachers gives teachers the tools to plan, create, and deliver more purposeful and effective lessons. By embedding metacognitive skills throughout the curriculum teachers can provide a community of thinkers and learners with the necessary context for practice and mastery and enhance learning by enabling students to interact with instructional content at deeper levels.
— Mary Beth Rolak-Sieracki, NBCT: ELA; Chief Constructivist: Collage Educational Services, INC.: Project-Collage
Dr. Johnson's book takes us back to basics and reminds us of what is truly important in teaching: planning, reflecting, and using a variety of research-based, practical and effective pedagogical strategies that work. This book contains step-by-step inserts and video links that make the instructional techniques come to excellent resource for teacher education programs, PLC's, and book clubs. This book could become a bible for novice teachers, and a practical refresher course for veteran teachers...something all teachers will find useful throughout their career...this is the one professional book in your collection that will have lots of bookmarks, post-its, and dog-eared corners!
— Nancy Travers, B.S Ed., M. S. Ed., Reading Specialist, Ridley School District, Ridley, Pennsylvania
Professor Andrew Johnson'sTeaching Strategies may well accelerate the development of master teachers of literacy as effectively as The New England Primer and the Blue Back Speller changed the reading prowess of a young nation. This concise and comprehensive guide is a must-have resource for teachers, reading coordinators and school administrators.
— Charles Kyle, PhD, author, "Time to Learn: Educational Histories of Incarcerated Juveniles"
This book contains a variety of research-based strategies that enable teachers to actively engage their students in the classroom. It is perfect for both novice and veteran teachers who wish to enhance their teaching effectiveness. Dr. Johnson writes in a style that is clear, concise and accessible to readers at all levels of experience.
— Steven Reuter, Professor of Elementary & Early Childhood Education, Minnesota State University, Mankato