Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 190
Trim: 6¼ x 9¾
978-1-4758-3400-0 • Hardback • June 2018 • $80.00 • (£62.00)
978-1-4758-3401-7 • Paperback • June 2018 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3402-4 • eBook • June 2018 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Randall VanWagoner has served as president of Mohawk Valley Community College (New York) since 2007. He is also the co-facilitator of the Strategic Horizon Network – a consortium of forward-thinking community colleges focused on learning about disruptive innovation and the future of postsecondary education.
Chapter 1: Understanding Culture
Chapter 2: Transformation: Where Does Culture Fit?
Chapter 3: Driving Cultural Transformation through Leadership
Chapter 4: Building Colleges into Communities
Chapter 5: Today’s Cultural Imperative: A Culture of Inquiry
Chapter 6: Tomorrow: A Culture of Anticipation
Appendix A: Cultural Leadership Orientation & 100-Day Action Plan Mohawk Valley Community College
Appendix B: Strategies, Programs, and Events to Build Connections, Community, and a More Cohesive Culture
Appendix C: Start Right—Success Program for New Employees Mohawk Valley Community College
About the Author
It's said that 'culture eats strategy for breakfast.' In that case colleges should devour this book over breakfast for clear, practical advice on how to create an organizational culture capable of improving learning and student success in the face of the many challenges confronting higher education today.
— Davis Jenkins, Senior Research Scholar, Community College Research Center, Teachers College Columbia University
VanWagoner’s monograph is a far-reaching analysis on how culture shapes colleges, and its critical role in institutional transformation. In an era where campus CEOs are buffeted by innovation and disruptions daily, VanWagoner offers an elegant how-to on growing this secret ingredient.
— Pam Eddinger, President, Bunker Hill Community College
Culture is everything! Community colleges cannot hope to find their futures while ladened with intransigent cultures and subcultures that are antithetical to the exploration, innovation, and change, necessary to advance student success in meaningful ways. VanWagoner does a masterful job of outlining the primacy of culture in the organization, its implications for change, and provides valuable insights, in part through actual cases, to help institutions determine how best to undertake cultural transformation.
— Daniel J. Phelan PhD, President and CEO, Jackson College; 2017 Chair of Board of Directors of American Association of Community Colleges
All college leaders are challenged with the cultural shifts often necessary for meaningful change and progress. VanWagoner brilliantly provides a practical and accessible approach to make culture a competitive advantage for colleges that want to position themselves for success in an increasingly complex future.
— Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Educational Pipeline, State University of New York