Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 134
Trim: 8¾ x 11⅜
978-1-4758-3197-9 • Hardback • March 2017 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-1-4758-3198-6 • Paperback • March 2017 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3199-3 • eBook • March 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Cynthia W. Resor was a middle and high school social studies teacher before earning her Ph.D. in history. She is currently a professor of social studies education professor at Eastern Kentucky University.Visit the author's website,
Author’s Note
Chapter 1: Social History and Thematic Instruction
Why Social History?
Key Concepts Related to the Study of Social History
Thematic Instruction
Chapter 2: Vacations
Defining the Concept of Travel for Leisure
Was Medieval Pilgrimage a Vacation?
Vacationing in American History
In the Classroom: Introducing the Theme
Extending the Theme
Additional Resources
Chapter 3: Manners and Etiquette
The Vocabulary of Proper Behavior
Relationships to Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology
The Eighteenth Century Dilemma - Does Outward Behavior Reflect Inner Beliefs?
Etiquette in the United States
In the Classroom: Introducing the Theme
Extending the Theme
Additional Resources
Chapter 4: Exploring More Themes
Choosing a Theme
How to Research a Theme
Keep the End in Mind: The Essential Question
Doing the Research – Secondary Sources
Doing the Research – Locating Primary Sources
Reading and Interpreting the Primary Sources
Creating Themed Units and Lessons
Cynthia Resor achieves a worthy goal of creating an engaging entry point into history through examining themes in social history. This engaging, accessible book features teaching strategies that are tied to both Common Core ELA and the C3 Framework, assisting teachers in making explicit connections to both standards and students. For any teacher struggling to connect students to the past, this book holds a promising instructional path to making history relevant through essential questions and primary source sets.
— Kathy Swan, PhD, project director and lead writer of “College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards”; professor, Social Studies Education, University of Kentucky
Don a fresh pair of social history glasses and gain a new approach for making history alive and relevant for your students. Let Cynthia Resor be the ophthalmologist for your teaching of history and you and your students will see things, some old, new, for the first time.
— James A. Percoco, author of “Take The Journey: Teaching American History Through Place-Based Learning”
Dr. Resor manages to address three of the most important yet often overlooked dimensions of social studies education at the secondary level: use of primary sources in the classroom, an emphasis on social rather than political history, and the need to inject an element of entertainment into instruction. This work stands as a first encouraging step toward reforming social studies education in the 21st century.
— Chris Snow, 2010 University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award; National History Club Association Sponsor of the Year; history teacher, Henry Clay High School, Lexington, Kentucky
Cynthia Resor's book is an innovative and unique approach to teaching thematic units. Excellent resources are provided for European and American history from medieval times to contemporary. The information is easily adaptable to any time period.
— Sharon E. Graves, Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame, Eastern Kentucky University Distinguished History Alumni, 2014 Gilder Lehrman Kentucky History Teacher
This book with its many examples and resources provides middle and secondary history and social studies teachers an excellent avenue for engaging students in the study of history. The topics are authentic and meaningful in the here and now for middle and secondary age learners. Additionally with the current goal for students to demonstrate 21st century skills, this text offers teachers numerous primary source documents for lessons that help students analyze, think critically, communicate, and become more aware of and informed about their world.
— Rodney White, professor emeritus, Social Studies Education, Eastern Kentucky University
Visit the book's companion website: all three books in the Teaching with Themes book set for a discount with ISBN 978-1-4758-5387-2. The set includes paperbacks of:• Investigating Family, Food, and Housing Themes in Social Studies• Exploring Vacation and Etiquette Themes in Social Studies• Discovering Quacks, Utopias, and Cemeteries: Modern Lessons from Historical Themes