Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 154
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3155-9 • Hardback • November 2016 • $70.00 • (£54.00)
978-1-4758-3156-6 • Paperback • November 2016 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3157-3 • eBook • November 2016 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
Jeffrey L. Buller is a senior partner in ATLAS: Academic Training, Leadership, and Assessment Services and the author of more than a dozen books on academic leadership, higher education, and fundraising.
Dianne M. Reeves is a senior director of development at Florida Atlantic University and has earned numerous professional certifications in fundraising, most notably the Certified Fund Raising Executive, Chartered Advisory in Philanthropy, and Certified Governance Trainer distinctions.
Other books by
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Academic Fundraising
Chapter 2: Ethical Issues in Fundraising
Chapter 3: Why One Size Does Not Fit All
Chapter 4: The SPORT of Giving and the ACID Test
Chapter 5: Raising Awareness, Not Just Money
Chapter 6: Listening to and Telling Stories
Appendix A: Finding, Hiring, and Evaluating a Development Officer
Appendix B: AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice
Appendix C: Donor Bill of Rights
Appendix D: Training at Your Institution
About the Authors
Going for the Gold is a valuable tool for those who are interested in furthering their fundraising skills and learning the basics of doing so. I believe this book would be very helpful to those in higher education who may not necessarily work in development. It’s a useful source for understanding the basics of the importance of cultivating relationships. Buller and Reeves effectively provide insight into the fundamentals of fundraising within higher education and demonstrate real-life situations that may occur, making it easy to fully grasp and understand their well thought- out ideas.
— The Department Chair
Buller and Reeves provide an insightful guide, based on best practices, of how academic leaders and development professionals can effectively work together to advance their institutions. The interesting case studies and the chapter on ethical issues are especially useful for those interested in putting best practices to work
— Dean Van Galen, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Jeffrey Buller and Dianne Reeves effectively bridge fundraising and community engagement to ensure the success of students and faculty. Their strategy is driven by the mission of the college and the university and their long-term vision and passion ensures the process is successful.
— Robin B. Smith, Former Advisory Board Chair/Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
More often than not, higher education institutions are finding that government funding and revenues collected from tuition and fees are inadequate to provide the necessary resources needed to provide academic experiences and graduate students who can compete in America and the global marketplace. Consequently, private fundraising has become an institutional priority via strong and effective development teams. Successful development teams in today's large and diverse donor universe require professional leadership, adequate resources and a staff trained to develop systematic strategies to connect with and thank donors, particularly those identified by Jeff Buller and Dianne Reeves.
— Dennis P. Gallon, PhD, President Emeritus Palm Beach State College