Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 154
Trim: 7¼ x 10½
978-1-4758-2971-6 • Hardback • December 2016 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
978-1-4758-2975-4 • eBook • December 2016 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
Catheryne Draper has been learning from her students for over half a century of teaching, supervising the math program in a school district, advising math education at the state level, coaching math in schools, and presenting math workshops for teachers. She is the creator of The Algebra Game, a hands-on multi-level algebra program that allows students to work together in cooperative groups or individually to identify the algebra relationships and patterns within the each topic and to connect concepts across the topics.
ForewordPrefaceIntroduction- Definition Section
- A Rose Is Still a Rose - Other Terms to See Math Differently
- Some Other Ways to “See” Math
- Visual-Spatial and Auditory-Sequential
- Keep in Mind
- Learning Styles, Learning Networks, and Learning Intelligences
- Learning Styles
- Learning Networks
- Learning Intelligences
- Learning Preferences through the Senses
- Seeing Relationships with Your Hands
- Seeing Patterns with Your Imagination
- Keep in Mind
- GPS of Reading Math
- Straight Line Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left
- Around Left-to-right Then Reversed
- Top-to-Bottom and Bottom-to-Top
- Diagonal Left-to-Right and Diagonal Right-to-Left
- Eye-Tracking Combinations
- Keep in Mind
- Organization Section
- Assessments and the Visual-Spatial Child
- Visual-Spatial and Testing
- Show Your Work
- Keep in Mind
- What You See Is What You Say
- Eyesight That a Good Pair of Eyeglasses Will Help
- Eyesight That May Need More Than a Good Pair of Eyeglasses
- Mental Sight That a Good Imagination Can Help
- How to Capitalize on What Your Child Does See
- A Different Way to See Math “Facts”
- Seeing Fractions with Pictures – Or Not
- Keep in Mind
- Finding Your Math Jigsaw Strengths
- Multiply with Base Ten Blocks Jigsaw
- Early Stages for Smaller Puzzles
- Final Assembly of the Two-Digit Jigsaw Puzzle
- Different Multiplication Table Jigsaws
- Word Problem Jigsaws
- Keep in Mind
• Relationships with Mathematics Section- Math Avoiders Are Still Here
- Stress of Success
- Premature Precision
- Shame Shackles
- Only-One-Right-Answer-or-Method Myth
- Six Things the Math Aficionado Knows That the Math Avoider Doesn’t Know
- Keep in Mind
- Math Aficionados at Work
- Spelunking for Patterns
- Predictable Changes Create Patterns
- Doubling Sides – Doubling Areas? Not So Fast
- Volume Follows Suit
- Keep in Mind
- Insight Is an Inside Job
- Hands-On Insight
- Math Abstractions Too Soon
- The Squares Have It
- Statistics and Squares
- What’s In a Square Root?
- Squares To Cubes And…
- Keep in Mind
- Connections
- Mathematics of Looking
- Math Relationships as Seen Through a Photographer’s Eyes
- Balance
- Angle and Shape
- Vanishing Point Proportion
- Patterns of Repetition
- Ben’s Engaging View
- Keep in Mind
- Mathematics of Moving
- Feeling the Math in Dance Movements
- The Beat of Proportion
- Sports Angles and Baskets
- Sports Fields and Angles
- Keep in Mind
- Mathematics of Building
- Building Blocks for Shape Form
- Ratios for Stairs
- Roof Pitch, Ratios, and Angles
- A Pythagorean Tunnel
- Keep in Mind
Conclusion: What Parents Can Do- Color-Coding
- Brainstorming Webs and Other Organizers
- Use the Tools of Math
- Top Five Do List
- Keep in Mind
Mathematics is so much about relationships and seeing how objects and numbers fit together. This book affirms the value of visualization as a valid way of looking at mathematics.
— Marcia Perry, PhD
Mathematics Educator Catheryne Draper’s Winning the Math Challenge is a gift to math students and their parents. Draper, a talented and wise math teacher, shares wisdom gained in decades of teaching. She reveals different ways of 'seeing' math, and she shows how learning styles and preferences influence students’ ability to understand. Her goal is to help parents help their children to become math aficionados instead of math avoiders. She makes this goal achievable by dispelling the only-one-right-answer-or-method myth, honoring the place of imagination in math thinking, and dropping the shame shackles often attached to those having trouble with math. This book shows an exciting, even liberating view of how to learn and enjoy math. Don’t miss this chance to become your child’s math mentor and to have a deepened understanding of math yourself.
— Sally Russell, author, teacher, mother and grandmother
Winning the Math Challenge explores and explains how we all approach learning differently. Mathematics has a rich set of rules and conventions to convey meaning and allow solution to problems. However, to a young student it is also a new language, with new concepts, new 'grammar' and new 'spelling.' Catheryne Draper does a wonderful job of showing how we can employ different ways to explain the meaning of those 'basic' concepts we are asked to learn in our early years. Just because we learned through one method in our school years, doesn’t mean that our children should or best learn the same way. We can benefit our children by going back to school, to learn about learning. Winning the Math Challenge is an excellent place to start.
— Les Warrington, teacher, engineer, grandparent