Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 162
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-4758-2962-4 • Hardback • May 2017 • $73.00 • (£56.00)
978-1-4758-2963-1 • Paperback • May 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-2964-8 • eBook • May 2017 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
Sharon Feiman-Nemser is the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professor of Jewish Education at Brandeis University where she founded the Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education and the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. She also served on the education faculties at the University of Chicago and Michigan State University. A pioneer in research on teacher learning, she has written extensively on teacher education, learning to teach, mentoring and new teacher induction. Teachers as Learners, a collection of her seminal writings, was published by Harvard Education Press (2012). She was the first recipient of the Margaret Lindsey Award for Outstanding Research from the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (1996).
Miriam Ben-Peretz is Professor Emerita at the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa where she served as Chair of the Department of Teacher Education and Dean of the School of Education. She was also President of Tel-Hai College. Her main research interests are curriculum, teacher education and professional development, policy-making and Jewish education. A member of the American National Academy of Education, Prof. Ben-Peretz received AERA’s Lifetime Achievement Award (Division C) and Legacy Award (Division K). She was the 2006 Laureate of the Israel Prize for Research in Education and in 2015, she received the Israeli Prime-Minister’s award, the EMET prize, for her contribution to educational research.
Foreword: John Loughman
Alternatives in Teacher Education: What Differences Make a Difference?
Sharon Feiman-Nemser
Part 1: Alternate Routes in Teacher Education
Chapter 1: The First Alternate Route to Teacher Certification in the U.S.: Realities and Misconceptions
Eran Tamir
Chapter 2: The Impact of Alternative Routes on the Work and Identities of Teacher Educators: The English Case
Jean Murray, Gerry Czerniawski and Warren Kidd
Chapter 3: The Case of Hotam Naomi: More Than a Teacher Education Program
Edith Tabak, Michal Shany and Sara Shadmi
Chapter 4: Employment-Based Teacher Education: A Partnership for Meeting the Needs of Underserved Learners in New Zealand
Ngaire Hoben
Chapter 5: Recruiting High Performing Candidates to the Teaching Profession in Israel
Zipora Libman
Part 2: Practice-Centered Teacher Education
Chapter 6: Centering Teacher Education on High Leverage Practices
Francesca Forzani
Chapter 7: Building Teacher Education Practices Grounded in Foundational Knowledge, Visions and Context
Karen Hammerness and Bill Kennedy
Chapter 8: Building an Urban Teacher Residency in a Third Space Partnership
Monica Taylor and Emily Klein
Part 3: Special Challenges: Technology and Inclusion
Chapter 9: Teacher Education and Digital Learning: Reconceptualizing the University’s Role
Jae-Eun Joo and Bob Moon
Chapter 10: Creating an On-Line Teacher Preparation Program
Melora Sundt, Margo Pensavalle and Karen Gallagher
Chapter 11: Addressing the Challenge of Inclusion: Disabled Students in a Physical Education Teacher Preparation Program
Ronnie Lidor
About the Editors and Contributors