Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
Pages: 198
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-2840-5 • Hardback • May 2017 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-1-4758-2841-2 • Paperback • May 2017 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-2842-9 • eBook • May 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Elise S. Sobol, Ed.D. Currently teaches special education courses in the music education departments of New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, LIU -Post College of Arts, Communications and Design and Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music of the City University of New York. Recently retired from the Nassau BOCES Department of Special Education, Rosemary Kennedy School for Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities, she combines over thirty-six years of experience preK-secondary in general and special education to readers here and abroad.
List of Figures
Notes on the Third Edition
Chapter One -The Basics
AEIOU’s of Teaching Special Learners
ABC’s of Vocal and Instrumental Adaptation
Classroom Set-Up
Classroom Management
Classroom Discipline
Foundations of Music Education for Teaching Special Learners
A Vocabulary of Special Education
Special Education
Functional Behavior Assessment
Behavior Intervention Plan
Individualized Education Program
Integrated Co-Teaching
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Free and Appropriate Public Education
Least Restrictive Environment
Response to Intervention
Related Services
Committee on Special Education
Due Process
Section 504
Cognitive Functions and Dysfunction
Instructional Adaptations for Learning
Definitions of Categories of Disabilities
Talented and Gifted
Twice Exceptional
Ethically Diverse Students
Disorders Requiring Educational Intervention
Specific Learning Disorders
Common Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Physical Disabilities
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Infectious Communicable Diseases
Sensory Impairments
Other Issues Affecting School Progress
Laws Against Discrimination
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Americans with Disabilities Act
Effective Teaching Across the Disabilities
Chapter Two -Musical Process for Academic Progress
Introduction to Musical Literacy
Class Structure – Sound Signals
Sound Signals to Melodic Understanding
Introduction to Rhythmic Notation
Reading Notation on a Staff
Applications to Choral and Instrumental Programs
Success for Students of All Challenges and Learning Styles
Chapter Three –Standards-Based Music Education
National Core Arts Standards for Music Education
Educating the Whole Child with “SPICES”
Whole Language Activities through Music
Mediated Learning in the Special Education and Inclusion Classroom
Six Week Standards Based Lesson Sequence
Let’s Talk About the Positive: Autism
Let’s Talk About the Positive: ADHD and ADD
Teaching Special Learners Critical Thinking Skills
Ludwig van Beethoven
Giuseppe Verdi
W.C. Handy
Louis Armstrong
George Gershwin
Sample Unifying Questions for Study
Relevant Applications for Student Success
Chapter Four -International Speeches
“Communication Through Music – A Language Beyond Words”
July 15, 1999 Lisbon, Portugal
“It Depends on Y.O.U.”
July 5, 2000, Washington, D.C.
“Joining in a Common Hymn”
July 19, 2001, Cambridge, England
Keynote Speeches
“Listen, Create….Inspire! October 13, 2014 Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA)
Keynote Message: 2015 New York State Teacher of the Year Finalist
New York State Education Department
“Engaging All Learners: Listen, Inspire..Create! June 4, 2015 New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE)
“2016 Honoree Award Acceptance” May 4, 2016 Music Educators Association of New York City (MEANYC)
Chapter Five -Pearls and Roses (Original Quotations)
References for Pearls and Roses
Catalogue of Writings, as author and contributing author
Films made for Educational Television
Appendix A: Landmark Dates and Updates in Special Education Law
Appendix B: Cross Curricular Inclusive Teaching with Books for Young Readers
Used in the Special Education Classroom
About the Author
In this new and updated edition, Dr. Elise Sobol addressees the most recent developments in music pedagogy for students with special needs. In the process, she makes an essential text even more relevant.
— Thomas MacFarlane
Elise Sobol's new edition of her book lives up to its title of 'attitude' and 'approach' to music for children with special needs; an encyclopedic work bringing professionals truly up to date in valuing and meeting these children's needs.
— Jerrold Ross, PhD, dean emeritus, the School of Education, St. John's University, NY; chair, Arts Education Committee, Department of Education, New York City Public Schools
Reaching beyond the great work of her 2 previous editions, Elise gifts the music education community once again by sharing her experience and insights gained from her continually evolving practice of teaching music to children with disabilities in the public school setting. From her scholarship and preparation like a scientist with teaching like an artist, Dr. Sobol focuses on what her students can do. In doing so, Elise serves as a catalyst in our work as music educator to expand our efforts for inspiring students of all abilities to become life long music learners and lovers. A must read for anyone wanting to learn more about teaching music to students having disabilities.
— Stephen M. Shore, EdD, clinical assistant professor, Special Education, Adelphi University, NY; author, educator, consultant, musician and presenter on issues related to autism and special education
In this time of rapid change in the demographic, legal, and technological landscapes surrounding the field of music education and special needs, the third edition of An Attitude and Approach for Teaching Music to Special Learners is an indispensable resource for music educators. Pioneering music teacher and teacher educator Dr. Elise Sobol draws on her extensive experience and highlights the latest developments and innovations to provide music educators with the habits of mind and the teaching strategies that they need to reach all of their students.
— Rhoda Bernard, managing director, Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education; assistant chair, music education, Berklee College of Music
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