Chapter 1 - Introduction: STEM Teacher Preparation and Practice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Patrick M. Jenlink and Karen Embry Jenlink, Stephen F. Austin State University
SECTION ONE: Interdisciplinary Thinking and Place-Based Practices in STEM Education
Chapter 2: Toward an Eccentric Educational Ideal: The Demands for Interdisciplinary Thinking and Collaboration
Shawn Vecellio, The National Hispanic University
Chapter 3: Looking Deeper through the STEM Lens: Exploring the Intersection between Content and Context to Optimize Learning
Louis S. Nadelson and Anne Seifert, Boise State University
Chapter 4: “I Don’t Know Anything About DNA. Well I Do, But Not From You Guys”: A Vision for Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching
Vanessa Svihla, Kersti Tyson, Justin Boyle, Jamie Collins, Ara Kooser, Ayesha Livingston, Abigail Stiles, and Julie Bryant
Chapter 5: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Reform in Teacher Education: Implications for Teaching Practice
Deborah Moore-Russo and Naemi Waight
SECTION TWO: Complexities and Challenges in STEM Education
Chapter 6: Developing a STEM Education Teacher Preparation Program to help Increase STEM Literacy amongst Preservice Teachers
Margaret Mohr-Schroeder, Christa Jackson, D. Craig Schroeder, and Jennifer Wilhelm, University of Kentucky, Fayette County Public Schools
Chapter 7: Troubling STEM: Making a Case for An Ethics/STEM Partnership
Astrid Steele, Nipissing University
Chapter 8: Literacy-Rich STEM Project Based Learning: Preparing STEM Teachers for High Needs Schools
Kevin Carr, Pacific University College of Education
Chapter 9: Promoting an Interdisciplinary Approach to STEM Education: Matching STEM Pedagogy to Trends on the Demand-Side
Joseph Mukuni
Chapter 10: Epilogue: The Future of STEM Teaching
Karen Embry Jenlink and Patrick M. Jenlink, Stephen F. Austin State University
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