Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 98
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-2259-5 • Hardback • September 2016 • $42.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-2261-8 • eBook • September 2016 • $39.50 • (£30.00)
Dr. Michele Wages is an assistant professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University teaching emerging literacy, cultural responsiveness and reading courses to elementary education majors. In her 26 year career, she has served as an instructional specialist on title one campuses in the Dallas- Fort Worth area for nine years including a bilingual campus with an 86 percent Hispanic student enrollment and a free and reduced lunch demographic of 96 percent. She has also served as a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts facilitator and has provided professional development training for teachers in Texas.
Chapter 1: Barriers to Parental Involvement
Chapter 2: What are the Common Core Standards and How Do They Affect My Child?
Chapter 3: How Schools Can Improve Communication with Parents
Chapter 4: What Children Need Throughout School Years
Chapter 5: Ways Parents Can Increase Involvement
Chapter: How Much Should Parents Help/ Too Much Vs. Too Little?
Chapter 7: What Should Parents do to Ensure Their Assistance is Valuable?
Chapter 8: How Can Parents Help Prepare Their Child for Testing?
Chapter 9: Assessing Your Child/s Needs: What if you need to hire a Tutor?
Chapter 10: How Should Parents Prepare for the Parent-Teacher Conference?
About the Author
Dr. Wages has written an insightful book that helps build a bridge of understanding between parents and educators. She helps provide a unique perspective where misunderstandings can occur between parties in what can sometimes be stressful meetings. She also answers many questions parents may have about types of education available to our children and provides a clearer view of how school systems work and the rights of parents. As a foster parent who works with children of different backgrounds and challenges, I found Wages' words especially helpful in this guidebook, which I would have greatly appreciated when raising my biological children as well. For the parent, the educator, or anyone who has an interest in the educational well being of our children, this is an invaluable read that I highly recommend.
— Karen Maple-Foster, parent
Dr. Michele Wages has included information for not only parents, but teachers because of what is represented in the book. I am just starting my career in Education and have a young child at home, so as someone reading this text I feel that reader has better insight as what to expect when in the school setting. This book is well written and easy to follow making the information that much more understandable and enjoyable to read.
— Jenna Phipps, parent and elementary teacher