Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 126
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-4758-2231-1 • Hardback • September 2016 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
978-1-4758-2232-8 • Paperback • September 2016 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-2233-5 • eBook • September 2016 • $28.50 • (£19.99)
Charles Salina, Ph.D., was the turnaround principal at Sunnyside High School in Sunnyside, WA. He is currently chair of the Leadership and Administration Department in the School of Education at Gonzaga University.
Suzann Girtz, Ph.D., is a former high school math and science teacher who now teaches research and assessment in the School of Education at Gonzaga University. Girtz also consults and does grant work, including evaluation, and is particularly interested in the areas of assessment and secondary school reform.
Joanie Eppinga, M.A., is a freelance writer and editor. She owns Eagle Eye Editing & Writing (
Table of ContentsDedication
List of Figures
Part I: Joining Forces – Moving Toward a Common Goal
Part II: Success Teams – Applying the Conceptual Framework
Part III: Schoolwide Systems – Putting It All Together
Additional Resources
When we consider our own school experiences, it is the relationships we remember. In Transforming Schools through Systems Change, educators are presented with a “road map” for developing systems that support strong relationships. This, along with social support and the education reform efforts resulting in academic press, can transform a school into an incredibly powerful place.
— Mick Miller, assistant superintendent, NorthEast Washington ESD 101
What work must a school engage in to demonstrate significant gains in achievement? Transforming Schools through SystemsChange tackles this question head-on with an inspiring fervor, clarity, and directness. The specific, actionable steps outlined in this book are invaluable to both formal and informal leaders seeking to capitalize upon the power waiting to be released within their own school.
— Joshua E. Schlegel, 2014 Teacher of the Year, ESD 105, Washington State
The authors have elevated the work of collaboration to a higher level. The concepts and actions described in this book offer support for aligning school accreditation with the real work being done in schools.This book provides the perfect road map for those who desire to pursue a school improvement process that will net positive and sustainable growth.
— Jim Whitford, AESD accreditation coach/facilitator, former middle-school principal
The principles discussed in Transforming Schools through Systems Change are effective and life changing. This book describes using personal connection, dedication, and determination to start the turnaround process. It is a must read for any educator dedicated to making a difference in the success of their schoolhouse.
— Stephanie Lundberg, principal, Holmes Elementary School
This book gives us hope for developing an educational system that is effective and equitable for all students. We felt empowered by the defining of the systems and of the roles everyone plays. It is one of the first times in our careers that we felt like we are all in it together, working toward a common goal using the same map.
— Dixie Grunenfelder and Tim Stensager, Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Transforming Schools through Systems Change is a must read for all school administrators, teachers, and parents who are interested in learning about making real change happen. These systems allowed our high school school to move from a graduation rate that was below 50% in 2007-08 to a rate of 90% in 2015.
— David Martinez, assistant principal, Sunnyside High School