Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Association of School Business Officials post copub titles
Pages: 114
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-4758-2173-4 • Hardback • October 2015 • $70.00 • (£54.00)
978-1-4758-2174-1 • Paperback • October 2015 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-2175-8 • eBook • October 2015 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
Darryl Vidal has been consulting for schools implementing technology for over 20 years. His primary instructional focus for over 15 years has been the ever evolving technology classroom. He is currently the Vice President and principal Education Technology Consultant for Southern California-based technology firm Networld Solutions, Inc.
Chapter 1: Concepts
Chapter 2: The Building Blocks
Chapter 3: Confucius in the Technology Realm
Chapter 4: Major Concepts
Chapter 5: Organizational Concepts
Chapter 6: Instructional Concepts
Chapter 7: Technical Concepts
Chapter 8: Operational Concepts
Never before has technology in education been more of a hyped up buzzword or ridiculed punchline. High profile examples of struggles with good implementation make national news. Great implementations show students engaged and achieving better than ever thought possible. There is no doubt good education technology can make a major difference. Bad education technology ruins careers, wastes tax dollars and does nothing for students.
In ‘The Tao of Education Technology’ Darryl expertly brings together two seemingly divergent concepts: ancient philosophical wisdom and modern technology in the classroom. As I read the book I continued to exclaim ‘aha’ at the numerous concepts. The idea that this ancient philosophical wisdom actually and truly can influence what actually happens is both obvious and revolutionary.
I recommend this book as a means to really step back and see the forest from a distance. It is this distance and perspective which can be the true catalyst for change and growth. If there was ever a topic that deserved deep reflection it is education technology. This is the perfect book to do that.
— William C. Olien, Murrieta Valley Unified School District, Assistant Superintendent, Facilities and Operational Services