Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 160
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-2024-9 • Hardback • May 2017 • $66.00 • (£51.00)
978-1-4758-2025-6 • Paperback • May 2017 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-2026-3 • eBook • May 2017 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
Miriam Ben-Peretz is professor Emerita of Education at the University of Haifa, former Dean of the School of Education, and recipient of the Israel Prize for Research in Education 2006, the AERA, Division K Legacy Award, the AERA Divison B Lifetime Achievement Award and the EMET Israel Prime Minister Prize for Educational Research. She is also an Elected fellow of the AERA since 2014.
Sharon Feiman-Nemser is the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professor of Jewish Education at Brandeis University where she founded the Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education and the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. She also served on the education faculties at the University of Chicago and Michigan State University. A pioneer in research on teacher learning, she has written extensively on teacher education, learning to teach, mentoring and new teacher induction. Teachers as Learners, a collection of her seminal writings, was published by Harvard Education Press (2012). She was the first recipient of the Margaret Lindsey Award for Outstanding Research from the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (1996).
Foreword – John Chi-Kin Lee
Introduction - Miriam Ben-Peretz
Chapter 1: Democracy in Classrooms: The Story of Democratic Teacher Education
Dafna Granit-Dgany and Raviv Reichert
Chapter 2: Educational Hyper-Ideology and The Test of Time
Esther Yogev
Chapter 3: Montessori Ideology and Practice in Teacher Education
Jacqueline Cossentino
Chapter 4: What Can Teacher Educators Learn from Italian Pre-Schools?
Lella Gandini and Carolyn Edwards
Chapter 5: Integrating Waldorf Education Principles with Traditional Teacher Education
Gilad Goldshmidt
Chapter 6: Undermining Teacher Education: Neo-Liberal Worldviews
Shlomo Back
About the Editors and Contributors
This is a wonderfully balanced book on two of the debate and conflict generating commonplaces of education, education’s entanglement with the political and the pulsating relationship of the individual and the social. The former preoccupies a sizable, often one-sided and overly energized, swath of postmodern literature while the second is thoughtfully configured in the writings of John Dewey. This book explores the expression of these universal themes in teacher education and does so in a manner attractive to the most thoughtful minds in teacher education and in ways consistent with Dewey’s critique of either-or thinking.
— F Michael Connelly, professor emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
This book explores the influence of the ideological and political environment on different teacher education systems. The variety of examples from around the world and the depth of analysis given to each case should be of great value to any scholar interested in teacher education.
— Michal Beller, founder and director general of the Israeli National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)
The editors and contributors of this book have compiled a significant resource for all who want to understand the historical and contemporary ideological basis of teacher education. This is a unique and bold book in an educational world in which the market decides the contents of teacher education. The book enriches the understanding of our own ideologies and those of others and supports discussions between politicians, practitioners and researchers in their search for meaningful teacher education.
— Anja Swennen, VU University, Amsterdam, co-founder and co-chair of the Research and Development Community (RDC) of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)
This edited volume both analyzes and problematizes the impact of ideology on teacher education. The chapters address an impressive breadth of ideological perspectives and range of educational programs. Insights about the ways that ideological commitments shape fundamental features of teacher education programs such as the content and processes they prioritize make the book a valuable resource for educational policy makers and practitioners.
— Hilda Borko, PhD, Stanford Graduate School of Education