Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 132
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-4758-1969-4 • Hardback • April 2016 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
978-1-4758-1970-0 • Paperback • April 2016 • $42.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-1971-7 • eBook • April 2016 • $39.50 • (£30.00)
Eileen Dial is an Associate Professor at Holy Cross College in Notre Dame Indiana. In addition to teaching courses in the field of education, she also serves as the Director of Student Teaching and Director of Assessment at the college. Before coming to Holy Cross, she spent 16 years in the K-6 system as a teacher, a coach for new teachers, and a teacher leader. As a teacher leader, she was a part of three successful turnaround efforts in California. In her last position, she served as a Data Coach for teacher teams as they created and analyzed formative assessment as a part of a school turnaround effort.
In addition to the book Assessment for Learning: A Practical Approach for the Classroom, she has also published an article in the National Teacher Education Journal entitled: An Experienced Practical Reflection: Creating Confident, Effective Teachers by Changing Pre-Service Programs to Promote Resilience, Assessment Literacy, and Collaboration. Dr. Dial has also presented at several conferences on the topic of assessment and the topic continues to be the focus of her academic work.
Chapter 1 What is Assessment? How Should I Use It?
Chapter 2 Planning What to Teach
Chapter 3 Lesson Design
Chapter 4 Assessment Item Formats
Chapter 5 Creating Formative Assessments
Chapter 6 Data-Driven Decision Making: The Learning Loop
Chapter 7 Differentiation: Content, Process, and Product
Chapter 8 Feedback for Learning
Formative assessment is a powerful tool to inform instruction, monitor student's progress toward learning targets and provide meaningful feedback to students. Assessment for Learning: A Practical Approach for the Classroom by Eileen Dial offers helpful, classroom-based suggestions for teachers and teams. I encourages teachers and teams to carefully consider these thoughtful and useful assignments and assessments.
— Nancy W. Sindelar, PhD, author, consultant and professor
Dr. Dial lays the foundation for student learning by presenting the essentials for professional learning communities: a blueprint of long-range planning, lesson planning, designing effective selected and constructed response assessments and rubrics all constructed from standards. Guiding questions, discussion questions, and reflections for teams put the practice in this “practical” text as teacher teams learn more about differentiation based on the analysis of common formative assessments aligned to CCSS standards through the TIDES learning loop process and how to support student learning with true differentiation of content, process, and product. The examples and models provide support and structure effective student learning. This is a must-read for teacher teams and Principal teams in order to create results in student learning.
— Vanessa Karwan, EdD, president of Core Learning Consulting, Inc.