Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 140
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4758-1799-7 • Hardback • October 2015 • $70.00 • (£54.00)
978-1-4758-1800-0 • Paperback • October 2015 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-1801-7 • eBook • October 2015 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
Dr Carlos R. McCray is the Division Chair and Associate Professor for the Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy Division. He is the co-author of the books, Cultural Collision and Collusion: Reflections on Hip-Hop Culture, Values, and Schools and School Leadership in a Diverse Society: Helping Schools Prepare All Students for Success. Professor McCray has worked with school leaders and educators in the metropolitan areas of Atlanta, New York City and London, UK.
Bruce S. Cooper, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at Fordham University, Grad. School of Education, with a focus on research including: (1) politics and policy in education with books, Better Policies, Better Schools, and Handbook of Education Politics and Policy; (2) in private school religious education, with his book, Blurring the Lines, and, "Finding a Golden Mean in Education Policy: Centering Religious and Public Schools”, in the Peabody Journal of Education; (3) fixing school problems, with books, Fixing Truancy Now with Jon Shute; and Truancy Revised with Rita Brause.
Chapter 1: Building Professional Relationships by Mentoring, Bruce S. Cooper
Chapter 2: Mentoring for School Improvement, Laverne Nimmons
Chapter 3: Existential Leadership and Mentoring by Principals, Robert Riccuiti
Chapter 4: Climate Controller: Principals Creating Optimal Environment for Teacher
Development, Dagoberto Artiles
Chapter 5: The Key Components of Mentoring in School Leadership: Preparation Programs and Leadership Assignments, Tyrone Bynoe
Chapter 6: A Cultural Approach to Mentoring New Teachers, Donna Redman, Sharon Conley,&
Terry Deal
Chapter 7: Teacher Mentoring Practices and Models: What Can We Learn from Research and Effective Practices? Chun Zhang
Chapter 8: Mentoring College Students with Disabilities: Processes and Program, Carol &
Marshall Strax
Chapter 9: The Future of Mentoring: Strengthening Sustainability through a Humanistic Approach, Samuel Thomas Martin, Phyllis F. Reggio, & Carlos R. McCray
Mentoring for School Quality makes a valuable contribution to our knowledge of effective mentoring practices. Written by leading scholars, the book addresses the critical and varied roles of mentoring in school leadership and improvement.
— Lance D. Fusarelli, Ph.D., professor, North Carolina State University