Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 172
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-4758-1691-4 • Hardback • May 2015 • $87.00 • (£67.00)
978-1-4758-1692-1 • Paperback • May 2015 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-1693-8 • eBook • May 2015 • $42.50 • (£35.00)
Sandra Harris has been an educator for more than forty years in public and private schools in Maryland, Kansas, and Texas. During that time she has been a teacher, principal, superintendent and university professor. She is currently Doctoral Dissertation Coordinator at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership at Lamar University. She has authored or co-authored twenty-two books and is a frequent presenter at educational leadership meetings, conferences, and in schools. She has published widely in educational journals.
Dr. Julia Ballenger has been a public educator and administrator for more than forty years in the Central, Northeast, and East Texas regions serving as teacher, consultant, principal and central office administrator. In addition, she has taught at the university level and worked as a regional director of school accreditation and accountability at the state level. Currently, Dr. Ballenger is the Coordinator of the Master’s Degree and Principal Certification Program and teaches in both masters and doctoral programs at Texas A&M University-Commerce in Commerce, TX. She has co-authored six books, authored or co-authored over forty peer reviewed articles and book chapters. She presents frequently at state, national and international levels both within and outside of the United States.
Cynthia Cummings has served as a PK-20 public school educator for more than twenty years as a teacher, administrator and professor. She is currently the director of the online master’s program in the department of Educational Leadership at Lamar University. In addition, Dr. Cummings serves as a consultant for the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Overseas Schools. She has co-authored chapters in several book and articles in educational journals and presented as local, state, national, and international conferences.
1Charter School Blues
2 Who Is in Charge Here?
3Principals with Principles
4 Bridging the Digital Divide
5 The Best Surprise Is No Surprise
6 Grayson High School in Trouble
7 No One Is College Bound Here
8 Politics or Sacred Cows?
9 We’re Scared Every Day!
Appendix 1 ELCC Standards – Building Level (revised 2011)
Appendix 2 Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Educator Standards: Texas Principal Standards Title 19, Chapter 149.2001, Texas Administrative Code (revised 2014)
Appendix 3 Texas Test Framework for Principal Certification Domains and Competencies for the Principal
Appendix 4 Texas Standards for Educator Ethics
About the Authors
The authors of Standards-Based Leadership provide insight, benchmarks, simulations, and ways of thinking and knowing about administering schools. Anyone interested in understanding the complexity of leadership in schools can use this book to develop a deeper understanding about leadership and schooling.
— James E. Berry Ed.D, executive director, National Council of Professors of Educational Administration and professor of educational leadership, Eastern Michigan University
The authors effective blending of multiple leadership standards with supporting research to create a series of relevant case studies to facilitate discussion, reflection, and learning is refreshing. The case studies are timely, challenging, and provide excellent opportunities for individuals and groups to gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to advance their practice.
— Richard A. Flanary, former deputy executive director of programs & services, National Association of Secondary School Principals, president, Flanary Educational Consulting