Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / AASA Post Copub
Pages: 158
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-1552-8 • Hardback • February 2016 • $97.00 • (£75.00)
978-1-4758-1553-5 • Paperback • February 2016 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
978-1-4758-1554-2 • eBook • February 2016 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
Amy E. Van Deuren, Ed.D., J.D., is the principal at West Allis Central High School in West Allis, Wisconsin. Prior to her appointment at West Allis, she served as the Wisconsin Director of Education Programs for National Louis University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, working with aspiring school principals and superintendents. Dr. Van Deuren has co-authored several books in the fields of educational leadership and music education.
Thomas F. Evert, Ph.D., is a former public school superintendent of fourteen years. He served in three school districts over a 38-year career as a high school principal and director of student services prior to the superintendency. Dr. Evert is currently serving as a dissertation liaison, advisor, and instructor in the doctoral educational leadership program at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin.
Bette A. Lang, Ed.D. served as a superintendent for fifteen years in four school districts. Prior to her superintendency, Dr. Lang served as a middle and high school principal and director of instruction. She currently serves as a dissertation liaison, advisor, and instructor in the doctoral educational leadership program at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin.
Preface—Amy E. Van Deuren, Thomas F. Evert, Bette A. Lang
Part I: Board/Superintendent Interactions
Chapter 1 Overview: Context, Complexity, and Leadership FrameworkAmy E. Van Deuren and Thomas F. Evert
Part II: Board/Superintendent Interactions – Practical Tips
Chapter 2 Superintendent Behaviors and Influence on the Board/Superintendent
Michele L. Severson and Thomas F. Evert
Chapter 3 School Board Professional Development
Amy E. Van Deuren
Chapter 4Board/Superintendent Dynamics and Interactions
Amy E. Van Deuren and Thomas F. Evert
Chapter 5 Variables that Affect the Complexity of Board/Superintendent Interactions
Thomas F. Evert and Bette A. Lang
Chapter 6The Effects of Existing Community Culture on Board/
Superintendent Relationships
Bette A. Lang and Pamela Kiefert
Chapter 7 Unanticipated Departures of Superintendents
Thomas F. Evert and Amy E. Van Deuren
Part III: Hiring Issues
Chapter 8 Board Considerations for Hiring Superintendents
Bette A. Lang and Joel A. VerDuin
Chapter 9 Hiring Internal Candidates for Superintendent
Annette Van Hook Thompson and Linda Barrows
Chapter 10 Hiring Interim Superintendents
Jon R. Vollendorf and Thomas F. Evert
Chapter 11Summary of References
About the Editors and Authors
Hiring a Superintendent is, arguably, the most important role of any Board. But it's only the first step. Building and maintaining a positive and purposeful relationship is critical to success.
Evert, Lang and Van Deuren offer plenty of practical advice to help Boards navigate this work. A great resource.
— Lori Soifer, trustee, Birmingham Public School Board of Education, Birmingham, MI
As a tenured superintendent anticipating retirement within the next two years, I find this book to be a phenomenal resource for my board and administrative team as they begin to plan the transition process for a new superintendent.
Aspiring superintendents will want this book to guide them as they test the waters of high-level educational leadership.
— Ronald J. Walsh, EdD, superintendent, Elk Mound Area School District, Elk Mound, WI; Wisconsin 2014 Superintendent of the Year
As director of an educational leadership program for Ed. D. candidates, I always encourage our students and faculty to carefully examine relevant issues pertaining to board member/superintendent interactions. This text will help both school board members and superintendents work togethersuccessfully within the authors’ three R’s – reasons, responsibilities, and roles.The inclusion of generational traits in discussing professional dialog, and including a focus on unanticipated departures and interim leadership make it unique.This book can serve a number of purposes including training topics for board members and superintendents as well as a resource book for leadership classes. I am especially impressed with the extensive research completed to address these topics.
— Peter Burke, PhD, director doctoral program, Edgewood College, Madison, WI
In my fifteen years as a district superintendent I have seen great boards of education survive bad superintendents but I rarely see great superintendents survive a bad board. This book outlines what is rarely explored, the work that is necessary for both sides to carry out the mission of educating our children. The authors provide a research based approach applied through their practical experience of sitting in both chairs. Well worth the read.
— Donald Schlomann, PhD, superintendent, St. Charles Unit Community School District 303, St. Charles, IL