Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 300
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4758-1494-1 • Hardback • October 2015 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-1-4758-1495-8 • Paperback • October 2015 • $71.00 • (£55.00)
978-1-4758-1496-5 • eBook • October 2015 • $67.50 • (£52.00)
Jeffrey Glanz lives in Israel and is currently Head of the M.Ed program in leadership and management in educational systems at Michlala-Jerusalem College. He held the Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values and was a tenured professor of Jewish Education in the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University. He was Dean of Graduate Studies and Chair of Education at Wagner College in Staten Island, New York. He was executive assistant to the president at Kean University and at Kean was named Graduate Teacher of the Year by the Student Graduate Association. He was also the recipient of the Presidential Award for Outstanding Scholarship. Dr. Glanz has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited twenty-one (21) books on various educational topics, including a co-authored book with Rowman & Littlefield titled Revisiting Dewey: Best Practices for Educating the Whole Child Today and the author of the new third edition of Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School Improvement.
Sally Zepeda served as a high school teacher and K-12 administrator before entering higher education. She is a professor in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy in the Program of Educational Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia, where she teaches courses in instructional supervision, professional development, teacher evaluation, and school improvement. She is also a Fellow, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human Development, University of Georgia. Sally Zepeda has written widely about instructional leadership and the supervision and evaluation of teaching. In 2004, she edited a special issue of the NASSP Bulletin on instructional supervision for the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Sally’s 18 books include Professional Development: What Works (2nd ed.); The Principal as Instructional Leader: A Handbook for Supervisors (3rd ed.); Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts (3rd ed.); and The Instructional Leader's Guide to Informal Classroom Observations (3rd ed.). In 2005, Sally Zepeda was named a Master Professor by the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA), and in 2013 she received the Paula Silver Case Award, Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (2014 for Best Case in 2013) from the University Council of Educational Administration.
Chapter 1:Introduction [Sally J. Zepeda, Jeffrey Glanz]
Chapter 2:Fostering Distributed Instructional Leadership: A Strategy for Supporting Teacher Learning [Hans W. Klar, Kristin S. Huggins, Amy P. Roessler]
Chapter 3:Framing Instructional Supervision [Stephen P. Gordon]
Chapter 4:Getting to the New Work of Teaching, Learning and Supervision: Are We Finally at the Quantum Moment? [Noreen Garman, Patricia Holland]
Chapter 5:Supervising and Evaluating Principals—The New Work of Superintendents and Central Office Personnel [Sally J. Zepeda, Philip D. Lanoue, Wanda G. Creel, Noris F. Price]
Chapter 6:Organizational Arrangements: Supervision and Administration—Past, Present, and Future [Francis M. Duffy]
Chapter 7: Supervision in the Context of Professional Development Schools and Partnerships [Rebecca West Burns, Diane Yendol-Hoppey]
Chapter 8:Principals, Policy, and Practice: Supervision in the Intersection [Mary Lynne Derrington]
Chapter 9:High-stakes Accountability and the Demise of Formative Supervision of Instruction: The Case of New York City [Susan Sullivan]
Chapter 10: Data Are Not the Enemy: A Retrospective Look at Data Embedded in Instructional Supervision [Judith Ponticell]
Chapter 11:Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development: How Legal Mandates Encroach on Core Principles of Supervision [Helen M. Hazi, Daisy Arredondo Rucinski]
Chapter 12:Cultural Competencies and Supervision [Noelle Witherspoon Arnold]
Chapter 13:Supervision for Social Justice [Jennifer Jacobs, Vanessa Casciola]
Chapter 14:Epilogue: Creating Transformational Change through a Focus on Instructional Supervision in a Continuing Age of High-Stakes Accountability [Jeffrey Glanz, Sally J. Zepeda]
Biographies of Contributors
Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice makes a significant contribution to the literature on supervision by presenting a wide variety of thoughtful perspectives on supervision and evaluation and by examining both preservice and inservice teacher development. Those who are engaged in the study of supervision, evaluation and instructional leadership will find the ideas presented by these well-known authors both refreshing and thought provoking. The inclusion of guiding questions as well as suggested readings provides the reader with an opportunity to deepen his/her understanding of the ideas that are presented here.
— James F. Nolan, PhD, professor emeritus, Penn State University
This timely and important text is evidence that “Supervision” is a critically important academic discipline with a dedicated community of scholars from whom much can be learned about improving schools and supporting those who work in them. The authors carry forward a long tradition of inquiry that defines and redefines the field. These scholars not only emphasize current issues in supervision, but also identify important concepts that deserve continued study. The text makes clear the importance of scholarship in supervision and the possibilities that scholarship has to improve teaching and learning for the twenty first century.
— Bernard J. Badiali
In Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice, two of the top scholars in the field of instructional supervision have collected the insights of the brightest and best scholars working in the field today. This volume provides a fresh look at the policy, statutory, cultural, and historical challenges confronting those responsible for supervising and evaluating school district personnel. The comprehensive nature and practicality of this book make it a “must have” for all educators.
— R. Stewart Mayers
Congratulations to editors Glanz and Zepeda for orchestrating this collection of contemporary writings by a wide array of university and school based scholars/ practitioners. The book is of immediate and future importance to the way school supervisors lead, collaborate, and act towards achieving the goal of educating all students for new worlds of opportunities. A great service for bringing new energy, thought, and prominence to the field of educational supervision!
— Carl Glickman, University Professor Emeritus of Education,The University of Georgia, Athens