Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 80
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-1385-2 • Hardback • November 2014 • $60.00 • (£46.00)
978-1-4758-1386-9 • Paperback • November 2014 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-1387-6 • eBook • November 2014 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
Dr. Michele Wages is an instructional specialist serving on title one campuses in the DFW area since 1993, including a bilingual campus with an eighty-six percent Hispanic student enrollment and a free and reduced lunch demographic of ninety-six percent. During her twenty-four-year career, she has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts facilitator and has provided staff development training for teachers.
Glossary of TermsP. 4
PrefaceP. 5
BackgroundP. 8
About The AuthorP. 19
Strategy 1: Culturally Responsive TeachingP. 20
Strategy 2: Generally Effective Teaching StrategiesP. 27
Strategy 3: Cooperative LearningP. 40
Strategy 4:Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)P. 46
Strategy 5:Creating Instructional ConversationsP. 51
Strategy 6: Technology Enriched InstructionP. 58
Strategy 7:Creating a Sense of Classroom CommunityP. 65
Strategy 8:The Need for Follow up and Professional DevelopmentP. 71
Strategy 9:Complex InstructionP. 77
Strategy 10: Emphasizing CitizenshipP. 84
ReferencesP. 90
Engaging the Hispanic Leader presents ten practical, applicable and achievable strategies that can be easily implemented in multiple content areas. The book provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the link between culture and learning needs. An interesting read!
— Karen Miller, coordinator of professional development
Engaging the Hispanic Learner 10 Strategies for Using Culture to Increase Achievement is an easy read that will give teachers clear and concrete examples of how to effectively use best practices to reach our growing population of students.
— Anmarie Garcia, Coordinator of Bilingual/ English as a Second Language Programs, M.Ed.
Societal changes of late have led to a drastic increase in the number of English Language Learners in our classrooms. It is vital for teachers to be equipped with techniques and strategies to meet the needs of this ever-growing group of students. This book is an excellent resource for teachers-full of ideas, suggestions and strategies.
— Rebecca Castillo, Bilingual Educational Diagnostician
The ten strategies for teaching Hispanic/ELL students will undoubtedly empower teachers to reach this growing population. The easy to use format makes this book an invaluable resource.
— Cathy Mason