Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
Pages: 190
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4758-1338-8 • Hardback • October 2015 • $89.00 • (£68.00)
978-1-4758-1339-5 • Paperback • October 2015 • $47.00 • (£36.00)
978-1-4758-1340-1 • eBook • October 2015 • $44.50 • (£35.00)
Ruth Gurgel, Assistant Professor of Music Education, is the specialist in Elementary Music Education at Kansas State University. She has taught music in Colorado and Wisconsin and now continues to present her research at national and international conferences.
PART 1: The Path to Engagement. What Engages Students in Music Class?
Chapter 1: Introduction: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Music Education.
Chapter 2. “Why Should I Sing For You?” Student Perspectives on Relationships.
Chapter 3. Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Student Perspectives on Musical Repertoire
Chapter 4. Challenging, Clear, Interesting: Student Perspectives on Instruction.
Part 2: Disengagement: Interpretations, Cycles, and Interventions
Chapter 5. Students’ Musical Behaviors: Talking, Laughing, Singing, Moving
Chapter 6. Guessing Wrong: How Students’ Behavior can be Misinterpreted in the Classroom
Chapter 7. Spiraling Downward: The Effects of Disengagement, Misunderstanding, and “Behavior Talk”
Chapter 8. Recognizing and Reversing the Disengagement Cycle: “Classroom Management” and Student Autonomy
Chapter 9. Lessons to Learn: Music Education, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Student Engagement
Appendix A: Research Questions
Appendix B: Methodology and Procedures
Full of real classroom experiences, interviews and observations, Learning From the Students will be a valued resource for preservice teachers, teacher educators and veteran teachers who are looking to build stronger relationships with their students and establish an engaging classroom environment. A practical look into the classroom application of cultural relevant teaching principles, from the perspective of teachers and students, this book provides a glimpse of theory in action.
— Travis Hale, music educator and doctoral student at Kansas State University
Culturally relevant pedagogy is a topic overlooked in most music education programs in the United States. This book is unique because it includes current “real-life” perspectives of students from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds often forgotten in schools. Perhaps at no other time in our history has the need to better prepare pre-service teachers to more effectively engage students of all cultures been so critical.
— Brigetta Miller, associate professor of music education at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin