Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 126
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4758-0719-6 • Paperback • April 2014 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-0720-2 • eBook • April 2014 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
William L. Fibkins is an author and education consultant specializing in training programs for school administrators, teachers, pupil services professionals, support staff, students, and parents. He holds degrees in counselor education, school administration, and health education from Syracuse University and the University of Massachusetts. His webpage is .
Chapter 1: Group Counseling in Secondary Schools
Chapter 2: Why Group Counseling Programs are Important
Chapter 3: What Does a Model Group Counseling Program Look Like
Chapter 4: The First step in Readying Counselors as Group Leaders
Chapter 5: Training Counselors as Group Leaders
Chapter 6: Conclusion
As a former high school and middle school principal, I understand how our school counselors are faced with a daily challenge of meeting the ever-increasing needs of our students. A 300+ student counseling load, although not recommended, is usually the norm. The only credible way of servicing a diverse population today with all of the increased state and federal mandates, coupled with the difficult and complicated needs of today's student, is to develop and implement a sound group counseling program. The Emotional Growth of Teens should be on every counselor's bookshelf. This book can serve as the template and guide for the implementation of a sound student-centered counseling program.
— Ed Yergalonis, former high school principal and district superintendent, Rahway Public Schools, New Jersey
Having worked collaboratively as a teacher with Dr. Bill Fibkins at a public middle school, I observed first hand Bill's skills and expertise in organizing and leading groups for teens, particularly those dealing with adolescents in crisis. As described in his book, Bill smoothly implemented a group counseling program designed to benefit students from every sector of school life. This integral resource served to resolve their personal well-being and academic problems. Bill garnered support for this program as it evolved into an invaluable intervention for students; as they emerge from pre-adolescence and grow into young adults. Via his varied groups, students connected with each other, demonstrated support and encouraged one another to utilize various “nuts and bolts” strategies, throughout many stages of adolescent development.
Thankfully, he has adeptly put his ideas, experiences, skills, and practical lessons learned into this book, which functions as a tremendous resource for teachers, advisors, counselors, and administrators. This practical resource is a hands-on guide which clearly shows how professionals can help many more students by utilizing a group approach – rather than solely relying upon one-on-one sessions. Given that schools are on a tight budget, providing group intervention for at-risk students is a proven way to proceed in helping teens become successful. As Bill suggests, "In today’s school world, where limited resources have become the new normal, group outreach is the way to answer the cries of help by students heading towards the margins of school life.”
— Barbara Gaias, language arts teacher, Shoreham-Wading River School District, New York
In Dr. Fibkins book The Emotional Growth of Teens, he captures the importance and benefits of reaching students through group counseling. He stresses the importance of proper training for group counselor leaders in order for it to be successful. He also provides a "how to" for setting up a successful group counseling program. This book was an easy read and a great resource.
— Kelly Pickering, guidance counselor, Mattituck/Cutchogue School District, New York