R&L Education
Pages: 184
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4758-0549-9 • Hardback • October 2013 • $83.00 • (£64.00)
978-1-4758-0552-9 • Paperback • October 2013 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-0553-6 • eBook • October 2013 • $42.50 • (£35.00)
Suzanne G. Houff is a Professor of Education and chair in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She teaches pre-service educators in the areas of curriculum and instruction, classroom management, and educational research. Prior to moving into higher education, she worked as both an elementary and middle school level classroom teacher and as a library media specialist.
Part I. Getting Started
Chapter 1: What you believe
Chapter 2: Learning to change behavior
Behavior Theory
Cognitive Theory
Affective Theory
Social Theory
Ecological Theory
Brain-based theory
Part II. Meeting Student Needs
Chapter 3: Survival
Situation Analysis
Safety through procedures
Theory into Practice
Chapter 4: Belonging
Situation Analysis
Knowing your students
Developing Cooperation
Class Meetings
Theory into Practice
Chapter 5: Fun
Situation Analysis
Engaging Students
Theory into Practice
Chapter 6: Freedom
Situation Analysis
Making Choices
Accepting Responsibility
Theory into Action
Chapter 7: Power
Situation Analysis
Power through quality instruction
Power through self-discipline
Theory into Practice
Chapter 8: Meeting special needs
Chapter 9: Special Topics: FAQ
Part III. Establishing Goals
Chapter 10: Prevent-Analyze-Correct
Book Tug
Clear Your Desk
Ipod plunder
Rules, rules, and more rules
Seeing Blood
Simple Machines
That’s not funny
Wrong finger
Appendix A: Survival
Appendix B: Belonging
Appendix C: Fun
Appendix D: Freedom
Appendix E: Power
Appendix F: Management goals
Appendix G: Supporting the needs
I am so pleased to be able to endorse Suzanne Houff's book, Managing the Classroom Environment: Meeting the Needs of the Student, second edition. In it she provides a very clear explanation of the five basic needs and an understanding of why people, including students, do what they do as promoted by Dr. William Glasser's Choice Theory psychology. With this understanding, teachers are lead to no longer focus on the problem behavior but rather to look at the underlying need that is creating the behavior. Dr. Houff provides practical techniques and strategies that are effective in creating a need-satisfying environment in the classroom for both students and teachers, thus reducing the need for classroom discipline. When teachers read, study and implement the ideas in Managing the Classroom Environment, they will experience the joy of teaching, while inspiring the joy of learning in their students.
— Kim Olver, LCPC, executive director, William Glasser International
Dr. Houff presents a clear overview of current literature regarding classroom management. Moving from an older model of reactive, consequence-based approach to a proactive stance, she helps both novice teachers searching for strategies as they enter the field, as well as experienced educators searching for more effective ways to build rapport with students. The scenarios and cases presented throughout the text provide opportunities to connect educational theories to the realities of daily work with children in schools. Teachers searching for ways to build cohesive classroom communities and honor the students who comprise these communities will find this book a welcome resource.
— Dr. Adria Hoffman, field placement coordinator, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Managing the Classroom Environment offers teachers clear, practical strategies to an effective management program that encourages student responsibility and promotes student-learning.
— Kavatus Newell, Ph.D., school turnaroud consultant
As a formal middle level administrator, I highly endorse Dr. Houff's book on classroom management because it promotes prevention first and intervention only if necessary. The solid research component lays a strong foundation to assist educators in designing a classroom or school-wide behavioral system that creates a safe, productive and nurturing learning environment.
— Wendy Dzurick, director of K-12 instruction and former middle level administrator