R&L Education
Pages: 196
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-4758-0097-5 • Hardback • August 2012 • $99.00 • (£76.00)
978-1-4758-0098-2 • Paperback • August 2012 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
978-1-4758-0099-9 • eBook • August 2012 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
John Jensen is a clinical psychologist licensed in Alaska. He has been investigating child motivation and learning since 1971.
Chapter 1An Epiphany
Chapter 2Quick Start Methods
Chapter 3Communicate and Connect
Chapter 4Teach Self-Management
Chapter 5Practice Learning
Chapter 6Focus Learning
Chapter 7Replace Grading with Scoring
Chapter 8Demonstrate Learning
Appendix 1Feelings List
Appendix 2First Grade Topics
Appendix 3Fourth Grade Topics
Appendix 4Issues for Middle and High School Students
Appendix 5Advanced Topics
Appendix 6Blank Chart
Appendix 7Points and Mastery Scoreboards
Appendix 8Progress Ladder
Appendix 9Communication Skills Check Sheet
Appendix 10Individual Match Worksheet
In this three-book series, John Jensen provides educators with strategies for helping students to “master learning with great pleasure.” This goal is a truly worthy one since students’ experiencing mastery and pleasure is the exception in America’s schools and school systems. Jensen’s philosophy for transforming children’s educational experiences is powerful and his aim to help teachers help their students to achieve remarkable learning outcomes provides readers with a compelling view of what teaching and learning can be.— Francis M. Duffy
John Jensen has penned a volume that offers a practical path to serving students better. With an admirable focus on the value of practice and the virtue of disciplined effort, he offers advice that educators and parents would do well to heed.— Frederick M. Hess, director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute
Jensen has done it with Practice Makes Permanent—he has given teachers the tools they need to get their students really learning. That means retaining information in long-term memory so it can be recalled weeks, months, even years later. Moreover, he's done it, not in spite of, but capitalizing upon the thing most important to youth—their social relationships.
— Deanna Nelson
This third book in a three-part series on classroom management and improvement is exceptional in its message and how-to strategies. Jensen also authored the first two: Teaching Students to Work Harder and Enjoy It (2012) and Changing Attitudes and Behavior (CH, Jan'13, 50-2794). Effective Classroom Turnaround extends the concepts of the other two by providing practicing educators with the strategies needed for assisting students in mastery learning while enjoying the journey to that learning. Providing a step-by-step guide to success is the key to changing students' attitude toward learning so that they enjoy it. This book is filled with practical strategies for implementing change in the classroom so that all students succeed. Further tools are provided in each of the appendixes. Practice does make permanent--enjoyable learning is lasting. Summing Up: Recommended. General readers; upper-division undergraduate students and above— Choice Reviews