R&L Education
Pages: 104
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-4758-0003-6 • Hardback • May 2012 • $66.00 • (£51.00)
978-1-4758-0004-3 • Paperback • May 2012 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-0005-0 • eBook • May 2012 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
Dr. Sean B. Yisrael has spent his entire career serving students and families. He believes every child deserves a quality education regardless of their family’s socio-economic status.
Chapter One: The Leadership Void in Today’s Urban Schools
Chapter Two: Conflict and Friction
- The Process for Resolving Conflicts
Chapter Three: Individual Entrapments
Chapter Four: Learn the School’s Culture (Before Trying to Improve It)
Chapter Five: Irate Parents
Chapter Six: Troublemakers on the Staff
- Diehard Reform Antagonist
- The Process
- Applying Progressive Discipline
Chapter Seven: Stagnation and Inefficiency
- Disrupt Their Routines
- Give Deadlines for Completing Tasks
Chapter Eight: Disruptive Students
- The Process
- Create a School-Wide Discipline Plan
Chapter Nine: Academic Instruction
- Hiring the “Right” Teachers
- Provide Teachers with Adequate Support
Chapter Ten: Standardized Testing
- Learn All the Parameters of the Test
- Create Two Testing Cohorts
- Align the Standards
- Schedule a Pre-test Date
- Hire a Testing Coordinator
- Establish a Before- or After-School Tutoring Program
- The Principal’s Actions
Chapter Eleven: Central Office Staff
Chapter Twelve: The School’s Budget
Chapter Thirteen: Social Media
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Self-Reflection
- Reflect on Past Events
- Be Honest with Yourself
This book is appropriately titled. Dr. Yisrael tells it like it is without watering it down. This is one of the poignant books about urban school reform that I’ve ever read.
— Vanessa Enoch, Educational Researcher and Advocate
In this book, Dr. Yisrael really tells the hard truth about urban education. He vividly discusses issues affecting schools that others are afraid to say.
— Jeremiah Johnson, Educator
Finally, a book that reveals how the politics of education often get in the way of a principal’s ability to lead a school out of failure. Bravo to Dr. Yisrael.
— Diane Weems, Associate Principal
This book is a must read for any school administrator working in a tough school setting.
— Dr. Carlos Blair, Principal, Ohio