Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages: 138
Trim: 6¾ x 8¼
978-0-7657-0102-2 • Paperback • October 1998 • $49.00 • (£38.00)
978-1-4617-3151-1 • eBook • October 1998 • $46.50 • (£36.00)
Kenneth Wenning received his MSW (1980) and Ph.D. (1988) from the Smith College School for Social Work in Northampton, Massachusetts. For the past sixteen years, he has specialized in the treatment of couples and in the evaluation and treatment of children who are oppositional, defiant, and aggressive. Dr. Wenning maintains a private practice of child, family, and couple treatment in Hamden, Connecticut. He is the author of Winning Cooperation from Your Child!: A Comprehensive Method to Stop Defiant and Aggressive Behavior in Children.
This is a straightforward, easy-to-understand book that will help any couple improve their marriage. Dr. Wenning identifies common beliefs that result in emotional overreactions and unproductive behavior. His ideas about what works and what is doomed to fail in resolving conflict will lead to learning new ways of communicating and getting the best responses. Wenning's suggestions will help strengthen and stabilize even the stormiest relationship and will be useful for motivated partners as well as for therapists who want to assist couples to stop destructive and defeating ways of relating.
— Judith Siegel, Ph.D., Ehrenkranz School of Social Work, New York University
Unlike many unrealistic and dogmatic books on achieving a good relationship, Dr. Wenning's guide is highly practical and flexible. It clearly explains the main Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy principles of dealing with many common mating problems and how readers can effectively apply them to their own lives.
— Albert Ellis PhD, Albert Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York City