Cowley Publications
Pages: 159
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-1-56101-252-7 • Paperback • January 2004 • $14.95 • (£11.99)
978-1-4616-6080-4 • eBook • January 2004 • $13.99 • (£10.99)
Anne Winchell Silver draws upon more than thirty years of experience as a member of the counseling faculty at Kingsborough Community College in the City University of New York. She studied at New York University, Fordham University, and the General Theological Seminary’s Center for Christian Spirituality, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.
. . . a practical guide to spiritual direction. . . . Silver's focus is on the basics of traditional, one-on-one spiritual direction with all its relational challenges. I am impressed with the thoroughness of this practical guide.
— Kriss Erickson; Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction
For those who practice the art of Spiritual Direction, there has been an ongoing difficulty in how one will learn more about the call and work of spiritual companioning those who seek to know what God is doing in their lives. Two schools of mentoring are available: one that sees the call of the spiritual director as a charism or gift from God and helps the director to go deeper into his or her spiritual life as well as the tradition and practice over the centuries. The other school sees the gift or call into spiritual direction from a more clinical mode of training, as a set of skills and practices to be learned. Ann Winchell Silver . . . helps the reader to see it is not an ‘either/or' proposition but a ‘both/and' situation. Believing in the grounding of this call in the Holy One, she balances this spiritual calling with sound suggestions for its practice . . . everything from the space one uses for direction to ethical guidelines and what to look for in a spiritual director.
— Rev. Al Keeney; Living Water/Episcopal Life