R&L Education
Pages: 410
Trim: 7 x 10¼
978-1-57886-267-2 • Hardback • September 2005 • $103.00 • (£79.00)
978-1-57886-290-0 • Paperback • September 2005 • $61.00 • (£47.00)
978-1-4616-5527-5 • eBook • September 2005 • $57.50 • (£44.00)
David Campos is an associate professor in the School of Education at the University of the Incarnate Word. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in special education, multicultural education, and curriculum methods, written a book on sex education and another on diverse sexuality in schools, and traveled to China in 2004 as a Fulbright Scholar.
The offerings in this book range from developmental milestones of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) students to tips for school counselors and administrators. Chapters include information boxes, reflect-and-write suggestions, an idea file for further research, and a list of references consulted.
Campos presents an aid for educators, counselors, and administrators to improve their understanding, knowledge, and support skills when working with gay and lesbian youth. He provides facts and statistics, information on development and creating a safe environment, and explains terms, symbols, myths, and histories.
— Reference and Research Book News