Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages: 244
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-0-7657-0395-8 • Hardback • April 2006 • $138.00 • (£106.00)
978-0-7657-0396-5 • Paperback • April 2006 • $61.00 • (£47.00)
978-1-4616-3242-9 • eBook • April 2006 • $57.50 • (£44.00)
Michael Karson teaches at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at the University of Denver. Prior to that he practiced psychotherapy and consulted in the child welfare system for 25 years in Massachusetts. He is the author of Patterns of Child Abuse: How Dysfunctional Transactions Are Replicated in Individuals, Families and the Child Welfare System and he is senior author of 16PF Interpretation in Clinical Practice: A Guide to the Fifth Edition as well as an attorney.
Chapter 1 Why Early Memories?
Chapter 2 Early Memories as Guides to Presenting Problems and Treatment Impasses
Chapter 3 Memory Is Something We Do, Not Something We Have
Chapter 4 Systems Theory, Psychotherapy, and Reporting Memories
Chapter 5 Critical Review of the Literature: Freud, Adler, Mayman, and Bruhn
Chapter 6 Early Memories as Roadmaps
Chapter 7 A Systemic View of the Psyche
Chapter 8 Step-by-Step Interpretation
Chapter 9 Interpretive Examples
Chapter 10 Enhancing the Working Alliance
Chapter 11 Finding a Place to Stand
Chapter 12 Illuminating Presenting Problems
Chapter 13 Anticipating and Resolving Treatment Impasses
Chapter 14 Deadly Therapy
This concise yet clinically rich book is an insightful guide to the ever perplexing labyrinth of memory as it affects our emotional lives. Deftly, it interweaves early Freudian notions, views of Adler, Mayman, and Bruhn, and contemporary advances in the understanding of memory-related phenomena. The result is a striking elucidation of the multi-layered meaning and impact of early experience upon us. Side-by-side this theoretical intrigue exist superb technical innovations that enhance our capacity for understanding and enrich our skills as therapists!
— Salman Akhtar, MD, professor of psychiatry, Jefferson Medical College; training and supervising analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Dr. Karson smoothly integrates psychoanalytic approaches with systems theory and behaviorism, creating a book that should be useful to anyone practicing psychotherapy. The overarching idea of basing treatment on the client's vocabulary and the client's narrative patterns is especially welcome at a time when many practitioners seek a magic bullet designed to work on everyone. Karson's sensitive handling of clinical material, presented on a realistically personal level, makes this a must-read. It is refreshing to see an approach to therapy at this moment in our professional history.
— Stephen Bloomfield, Ed.D.
—integrates behaviorism, systems theory, and psychoanalytic theory, thereby seating psychoanalytic technique on firmer conceptual ground than that provided by psychoanalytic theory alone.
—revisits the controversial debate over repressed memories froma new perspective.
—offers a step by step approach to the interpretation of narrative material.