Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages: 208
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-0-7657-0065-0 • Hardback • May 1998 • $108.00 • (£83.00)
978-1-4616-3156-9 • eBook • May 1998 • $102.50 • (£79.00)
Joan Lachkar, Ph.D., maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Southern California, where she also teaches in workshops and extension courses.
Dr. Lachkar does a masterful job of focusing on emotional abuse, which is generally sidelined when abuse is discussed. Her classification of personalities in marriages is intriguing. Since this is a book that integrates rich theory with vivid case examples and also elaborates treatment issues, every practitioner engaged in couple therapy should read it.
— Vince Pillari, Vimala Pillari, D.S.W., L.C.S.W., director, Graduate School of Social Work, Kansas Newman College
The issue addressed here has created much pain and disorganization in families. The book's importance lies in the author's unique and excellent insights into the internal dynamics of individuals involved in abusive relationships, and how those personal dynamics lock them into old and unfulfillable expectations. For anyone involved in treating the abused and the abuser, it provides crucial guidelines for successful interventions.
— Rafael Art. Javier, Ph.D., director, Center for Psychological Services, St. John's University, Jamaica, New York