Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 384
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4422-7409-9 • Hardback • August 2018 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-1-4422-7410-5 • Paperback • August 2018 • $69.00 • (£53.00)
978-1-4422-7411-2 • eBook • August 2018 • $65.50 • (£50.00)
Adam M. Volungis is a counseling psychologist and assistant professor in the Clinical Counseling Psychology Program at Assumption College. He earned his PhD in counseling psychology at Indiana University Bloomington in 2011. He has been a licensed therapist for more than 10 years, working with a variety of populations using CBT. His research has been published widely, including in The Counseling Psychologist, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, and the North American Journal of Psychology. He is also a member of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the American Psychological Association
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Sample Forms
List of Activities
List of Video Vignettes
1 The CBT Model
2 Establishing a CBT Therapeutic Alliance: Collaborative Empiricism
3 CBT Assessment, Case Formulation, and Treatment Planning
4 CBT Session Structure: Purposeful and Flexible
5 Psychoeducation: Teaching, Supporting, and Motivating
6 Behavioral Activation: Monitoring, Scheduling, Moving, and Getting Things Done
7 Automatic Thoughts: Eliciting, Identifying, Evaluating, and Modifying Maladaptive Thought Patterns
8 Core Beliefs: Identifying and Modifying the Source of Maladaptive Thought Patterns
9 Behavioral Exposure: Relaxing, Testing Thoughts, and Confronting Fears and Anxieties
10 Homework: Therapy Between Sessions
11 CBT and Technology
12 Common CBT Myths
13 Being a Competent CBT Therapist
About the Author
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Theory into Practice is a clearly written text that includes many concrete case examples and therapist-patient dialogues. This book will serve as a valuable resource and guide for any student and trainee in clinical psychology and counseling.
— Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D., professor of Psychology, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston University
This book is a wonderful addition to the basic texts teaching cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It uses video, vivid clinical examples, and learning exercises, which make it ideally suited as a classroom text. One of its most distinguishing features is the great care taken to provide explicit, step-by-step instructions to the novice therapist.
— Donna M. Sudak, MD, president, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training; and professor of Psychiatry, interim director of Training, and director of Psychotherapy Training, Drexel University
Dr. Volungis has produced an excellent resource for teaching CBT to evolving practitioners. Graduate psychology students and psychiatric residents in particular (as well as their instructors) will be well-served by its logical organization and completeness. I am looking forward to using it with our trainees.
— Robert Carey, PhD, ABPP, associate clinical professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy presents the fundamentals of CBT and guides the reader in understanding how to implement these principles with sensitivity and flexibility. Volungis clearly explains both the science and art of conducting CBT, guiding the reader through the process of understanding and developing a wide range of skills that are essential to skillful conducting. This book will be valuable for students who are beginning to develop their skills and seasoned clinicians who are interested in refining their skills. It is an excellent resource for graduate students and experienced professionals who want to provide excellent CBT for their clients.
— Leonard A. Doerfler, PhD, professor and director, Counseling Psychology Program, Assumption College
- Therapist-client therapy dialogue vignettes and many hours of supplemental videos hosted on companion website
- Discussion questions to process these vignettes and related topics
- Activities to practice CBT skills individually and with a peer
- Multiple tables and figures to help conceptualize and summarize key themes and skills, including common challenges
Accompanying the text is an open-access
Companion Website designed to reinforce the main topics and help you master key vocabulary and concepts through flashcards and self-graded quizzes.
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