Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / AASLH
Pages: 136
Trim: 7¼ x 10½
978-1-4422-7368-9 • Hardback • September 2017 • $89.00 • (£68.00)
978-1-4422-7369-6 • Paperback • September 2017 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4422-7370-2 • eBook • September 2017 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Kevin M. Levin is an award-winning historian and educator based in Boston and has taught American history on both the high school and college levels. He has written and lectured widely on the Civil War Era, historical memory, and public history. Over the years he has led numerous professional development workshops for history teachers at Ford's Theatre, the National Park Service, Massachusetts Historical Society and Yale's Gilder-Lehrman Center. He currently serves on the board of directors of the National Council for History Education.
Chapter 1: Among the Ruins: Creating and Interpreting the American Civil War in Richmond - Christy S. Coleman
Chapter 2: Billy Yank, not Johnny Reb: Focusing Civil War Exhibits on the Union in Virginia - Mark Benbow
Chapter 3: A Civil War Museum in Kenosha, Wisconsin? - Daniel Joyce, Douglas Dammann, Jennifer Edginton
Chapter 4: Civil War Public History For The Next Generation - James Percoco
Chapter 5: From Tokenism to True Partnership: The National Park Service’s Shifting Interpretation at the Civil War’s Sesquicentennial - John M. Rudy
Chapter 6: New Wine in Old Bottles: Using Historical Markers to Reshape Public Memory of the Civil War - W. Todd Groce
Chapter 7: Commemoration, Conflict, and Constraints: The Saga of the Confederate Flag at the South Carolina State House - Eric Emerson
Chapter 8: Getting to the Heart: The Intersections of Confederate Iconography, Race Relations, and Public History in America - Dina Bailey and Nicole Moore
Kevin Levin has edited a collection that will inform and inspire public historians who are committed to interpreting the Civil War in all its complexity. The authors draw on their experiences as educators, administrators, interpreters, and historians, as they analyze successful—and failed—strategies for interpreting the war. This volume will be welcomed by public historians and museum professionals who want to connect the Civil War-era with urgent issues in contemporary life.
— Modupe Labode, Associate Professor, History and Museum Studies and Public Scholar of African American History and Museums, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Practitioners of history at Civil War sites and museums will delight in this book. Kevin Levin and his team of essayists provide most useful examples that will assist interpreters (and students) make sense of the War and its legacies.
— Dwight T. Pitcaithley, Former Chief Historian, National Park Service
Kevin Levin has assembled an impressive cast of practicing public historians whose extensive experience in the field has translated into a series of engaging articles that will appeal to practitioners as well as to students of the Civil War. Each essay asks tough questions about how we communicate with our audiences, and how we might better understand their perspectives in developing new lines of communication with under -represented groups who feel marginalized at military parks and museums. Rather than lament the supposed decline in historical interest in America as is the party-line of cynics today, the authors in this volume offer powerful examples of dynamic exchanges with the public, digging deep into the conversations taking place at Civil War sites, revealing the challenges of interpretation, and pressing us to be more creative and collaborative with our audiences and our colleagues without losing sight of the practical realities in helping the American people think historically about the past.
— Peter S. Carmichael, Fluhrer Professor of History and director, Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College