Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 194
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-4422-7124-1 • Hardback • October 2017 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-1-4422-7125-8 • Paperback • October 2017 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
978-1-4422-7126-5 • eBook • October 2017 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
James A. Sheppard is President of Thomas University and author of Christendom at the Crossroads: the medieval era (2005). Along with U.S. Ambassador David Swartz, he co-founded the Center for Belarusian Studies and has written about the roles of Turkey and Belarus in relation to Russian aggression.
David J. Dunford served forthree years as U.S. Ambassador to Oman and four years as Deputy Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the 1990-91 Gulf War.
Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert, USMC was commissioned in 1973 as a combat engineer and participated in combat operations in Panama, Kuwait, and Iraq. In 2003 he led 5,000 Marines and sailors during the initial invasion of Iraq in support of the 70,000 Marines who formed the I Marine Expeditionary Force. During his 37 years of active duty, he held 13 separate commands from platoon commander to joint task force commander. He commanded the marine logistics group during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Khuram Iqbal teaches and researches at the National Defence University of Pakistan where he serves an Assistant Professor of Counter-Terrorism. He is a recipient of the “Terrorism Study Analyst Award” from the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) in Singapore.
Foreword: Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert, USMC Introduction: U.S. Ambassador David J. DunfordCommand and ControlChapter One: The Staging Area - Intellectual Sabotage vs. COIN
- Theology vs. Social Science
- Violent Anti-rationalists
- Basics of Deception
- Ethics and Human Rights
- Tribal Strategies and Multiple Identities
Chapter Two: Abu Bakr and Black Propaganda- Operation Abu-Bakr
- Sermons
- E-magazines
- Content for Bluejacking
- Theological Orders
Chapter Three: Umar and Electronic Delivery- Operation Umar
- Video and Sound Files
- Bluejacking
- Web Spoofing
- Hacking and Defacing
- E-magazines
Chapter Four: Uthman and Citizen Saboteurs- Operation Uthman
- Case Officers
- Recruiters
- Training Camp
- Citizen Saboteurs
Chapter Five: Ali and Stability Operations- Operation Ali
- Charity
- Waqf
- Micro-lending
- Musharakah
ConclusionBasic Communication Model and Countering Extremists’ Narrative: Dr. Khuram IqbalAppendix: Shia Islam
In this innovative manual for the professional and interested layman alike, Sheppard has taken aim squarely at a problem that has shackled the West’s “War on Terror” for nearly two decades now: how to delegitimize radical ideology without appearing to attack Islam itself. Politicians seldom come closer than broad platitudes about the benign nature of Islam that fail to ring true with jihadis, their supporters, and their audiences in the Muslim world. Sheppard’s insight is that the extremist message, while rooted in religious imagery and theology, is at heart a war-fighting doctrine, an ideology forged to advance political and military purposes. As such, it is susceptible to sabotage and confusion. The trick is to find the right tools. Sheppard proposes a wide range of tactics and techniques, such as selecting the right messengers and making clever use of the Internet-based multimedia outlets use by the radicals themselves, with which to cross-wire militant ideology from within. Countering Heedless Jihad is an insightful and comprehensive guide to a neglected but vital battlefield.
— Charles W. Dunne, Middle East Institute