Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 258
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4422-7032-9 • Hardback • October 2016 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-4422-7033-6 • Paperback • October 2016 • $76.00 • (£58.00)
978-1-4422-7034-3 • eBook • October 2016 • $72.00 • (£55.00)
Aaron W. Dobbs is an Associate Professor – Scholarly Communication and Electronic Resources Librarian at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. Aaron manages the library website, fully managed in LibGuides, and lives in the future as often as possible. His previous publication and presentation topics include: LibGuides, web design, future planning, and library assessment. His current research areas include library assessment and anticipating future users' research skills, needs, and background assumptions. Aaron can be contacted via email at and via Twitter: @awd.
Ryan L. Sittler, PhD is an Associate Professor – Instructional Technology/Information Literacy Librarian at California University of Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph.D. in Communications Media and Instructional Technology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and his research interests are in information literacy and educational media design for learning and performance improvement. Previous publication topics include instructional technology as it applies to librarians, information literacy teaching and learning, and LibGuides utilization. Ryan can be contacted via email at or via Twitter: @ryanlsittler.
Introduction and Overview of LibGuides and LibApps
Chapter 1Good Foundations: Setting up Your LibGuides System for Easy Long-Term Maintenance
Emily Marie King, MSLS, College of Southern Nevada
Chapter 2Manager, Librarian and Web Developer: How a Multidisciplinary Team Re-Imagined
Stefanie Metko, MLIS, Virginia Tech
Lauren Pressley, University of Washington
Jonathan Bradley, PhD, Virginia Tech
Chapter 3Making the Case for Migration: Enhanced Functionality with LibGuides Version 2 CMS
and the A-Z Database List
Christine Tobias, MLIS, Michigan State University
Administering and Maintaining LibGuides
Chapter 4Using LibGuides CMS and Customized Templates to Create and Maintain Your Library
Brighid M. Gonzales, Our Lady of the Lake University
Chapter 5LibGuides Administration
Paul Thompson, The University of Akron
Chapter 6LibGuides Administration: Roadmap to Engaging Content
Jennifer W. Bazeley, Miami University
Jennifer J. Natale, Miami University
Elizabeth Sullivan, Miami University
Chapter 7Content Wrangling for LibGuides Administrators
Aida Marissa Smith, MLIS, American Public University System
Designing and Developing Effective LibGuides
Chapter 8Making User-Friendly Guides: Navigation and Content Considerations
Joshua Welker, MISLT, University of Missouri-Columbia
Chapter 9To the Left, To the Left: Implementing & Using Side Navigation and Tabbed Boxes in
Jaleh Fazelian, MA, MLS, John Carroll University
Melissa Vetter, MSLIS, Washington University in St. Louis
Chapter 10Making LibGuides Accessible to All
Danielle Skaggs, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Chapter 11LibGuides: Creating Accessible User Experiences
Melissa Fortson Green, The University of Alabama
Pedagogy and Instruction with LibGuides
Chapter 12Infusing Pedagogy into LibGuides
Elizabeth German, Texas A&M University
Stephanie Graves, Texas A&M University
Chapter 13Access and Universal Design for Learning in LibGuides 2.0
Kimberly Shotick, Northeastern Illinois University
Chapter 14LibGuides Two Ways: Teaching Information Literacy In and Out of the Classroom
Lucinda Rush, MLIS, MME, Old Dominion University
Chapter 15Redesigning LibGuides as Online Learning Modules
Melissa Gomis, University of Michigan
Adding to the growing literature on LibGuides is a LITA guide edited by Dobbs and Sittler. Boasting a suite of services from the flagship LibGuides to the newest CMS platform, the editors discuss digital content products such as Springshare, which doesn’t require user coding skills. Building on this characteristic, Dobbs and Sittler have collected chapters on administering, maintaining, designing and developing LibGuides as well as pedagogy and instruction using the system. The audience for this book is very broad, as the editors note: it is meant for current and potential users, new and experienced users. It is also valuable for those who have not migrated to LibGuides2. The chapters convey an even mix of theory, practical information, and figures to aid readers. Verdict: An essential addition to the literature on LibGuides that deserves a place on the shelf of any librarian or library administrator using the platform.
— Library Journal
Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites is the "LibGuides cookbook" you have been eagerly waiting for. The book helps you head straight to your area of need and interest to get practical information about designing, using and managing LibGuides for your library.
Written from the perspective of academic librarians, this book walks you through four areas of LibGuide Use and Management. Each area focuses on a specific LibGuide skill: Creation and Justification of your Guide, Managing Your Guide, Designing your Guide and Using your LibGiuide as an instructional tool.
I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to pick up a book and go right to the chapter I need knowing I will find great information when I get there.
The book contains a balance of theory and practical steps to engage many different types of readers. Also invaluable are the references at the end of each chapter for further exploration.
— Maurice Coleman, host, producer, and creator, T is for Training; principal, Coleman and Associates
LibGuides is a powerful tool for libraries, offering customized tools for presenting information. Like any powerful and complex tool, it can become an unwieldy mess, losing its utility for you and your patrons. Dobbs and Sittler have brought together useful guidance from our colleagues already on the LibGuides path which covers not only What the product suite can do for you, but how to go about it without reinventing any wheels - or tearing your hair out. I'm always grateful for help like that!
— Louise Alcorn, Author, Wireless Networking: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians & Library Technology Coordinator, West Des Moines (Iowa) Public Library