Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 214
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4422-6731-2 • Hardback • December 2017 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
978-1-4422-6732-9 • eBook • December 2017 • $48.50 • (£37.00)
Jennifer Packard has nearly twenty years of experience in the food industry. She currently does freelance writing on food issues and works as a research associate at Harvard University. Jennifer loves to make up new recipes which she tests out on her husband and three teen-aged sons.
Introduction: The First Taste
Chapter 1: Food to Set the Scene
Chapter 2: Regional Foods
Chapter 3: Food as Identity
Chapter 4: Explaining Characters and Relationships
Chapter 5: Just Trying to Put Food on the Table
Chapter 6: Food Representing Class
Chapter 7: The Way to a Man’s (or Woman’s) Heart
Conclusion: The Last Morsel
A fascinating look at the use of food in Broadway musicals to reflect story, character, and atmosphere, including food as a symbol which provides short-cut information to the audience about the plot. This banquet of a book even includes recipes, and is a wonderful treat for gourmands, Broadway and otherwise.
— Dan Dietz, author of The Complete Book of Broadway Musicals series