Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 550
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4422-6238-6 • Hardback • July 2016 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
978-1-4422-6228-7 • Paperback • July 2016 • $94.00 • (£72.00)
978-1-4422-6229-4 • eBook • July 2016 • $89.00 • (£68.00)
Subjects: History / Social History,
History / United States / State & Local / South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
William J. Cooper, Jr. is Boyd professor of History at Louisiana State University.
Thomas E. Terrill is emeritus professor of History at the University of South Carolina.
Christopher Childers is assistant professor of History at Pittsburg State University.
Prologue: The Enduring South
List of Maps
Map Essay: The Geography of the South
Chapter 1: The Beginnings
Chapter 2: The Economic and Social World
Chapter 3: The Intellectual, Political, and Religious World
Chapter 4: The Revolution
Chapter 5: The South in the New Nation
Chapter 6: Republican Ascendancy
Chapter 7: A New Political Structure
Chapter 8: Plantations and Farms
Chapter 9: The Institution of Slavery
Chapter 10: The World of the Slaves
Chapter 11: Learning, Letters, and Religion
Chapter 12: The Free Social Order
Chapter 13: Political Parties and the Territorial Issue
Chapter 14: The Crisis of the Union
Map Essay: The Geography of the Civil War
Chapter 15: The Confederate Experience
Chapter 16: After the War
Bibliographical Essay
About the Authors
This massive, colorful, continually absorbing panorama takes a fresh look at the whole of Southern history. . . . The authors, both history professors . . . bring recent scholarship to bear on a host of topics, from guerrilla warfare between royalists and rebels during the American Revolution to slavery, the Southern Literary Renaissance and the decline of front-porch culture in the urbanized Sunbelt. On some issues they take a revisionist stance (e.g., 'Whether patriarchy was the official ideology in the antebellum South is by no means clear'). Although Southern culture remained trapped in Victorianism as late as the 1920s, modernism forced a wrenching self-examination. The authors find 'no Eden in Dixie' as they survey the New South of persistent racial division, high murder rates, televangelism and low incomes. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Publishers Weekly
As the first full textbook on the region's history, Cooper and Terrill's The American South has long been a staple in undergraduate classrooms, and for good reason. This comprehensive, but concise, history by distinguished scholars of the Old and New South, respectively, serves both students and instructors as an effective introduction and a ready reference. In chronicling the South's distinctive history, the authors are constantly attuned to the fact that its history was always integral to that of the nation as a whole; their ability to so adeptly balance the particular with the general makes this an engaging and eminently teachable narrative.
— John C. Inscoe, University of Georgia
Combining original analysis with an impressive grasp of relevant scholarship, The American South: A History is distinguished by its wealth of fascinating information and its strong narrative style. It is the kind of book that students want to keep when the course is finished.
— Clarence L. Mohr, University of South Alabama
Given the many recent books on specific periods of Southern history (particularly the Civil War), the appearance of this text that covers the sweep of Southern history from the English origins of Jamestown through the rise and fall of the 'Solid South' to the socioeconomic transformation of the Sunbelt in the 1970s and 1980s is most welcome. Stressing the dynamics of the relationship between white and black Southerners that have shaped the history of the region for more than 300 years, the authors (both professors at Southern universities) incorporate recent scholarship into their attempt to answer two long-standing questions: What was and is the American South? What was and is a Southerner? Along the way they pay attention to such traditional subjects as political leadership and plantation economics, as well as to topics once conspicuously absent from Southern history textbooks: Southern Native Americans, the slave family, post-emancipation black life, Southern labor, and Southern women. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Library Journal
•The Reconstruction chapter appears in both volumes to offer greater classroom flexibility.
•Volume 2 updated to include current southern history.
•Sources in both volumes updated to include the latest scholarship.