Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 166
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-4422-6190-7 • Hardback • August 2016 • $89.00 • (£68.00)
978-1-4422-6191-4 • Paperback • August 2016 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4422-6192-1 • eBook • August 2016 • $42.50 • (£35.00)
Robert A. Cropf is professor of political science at Saint Louis University where he teaches public administration. He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development and is author of American Public Administration: Public Service for the 21st Century and coauthor of The Public Administration Casebook.
1. What is E-Government?
E-Government and E-Democracy Defined
Brief History of E-Government
Models of E-Government
How to Use This Book
Case Study
2. Government 2.0: Using ICT to Improve Service Delivery
Role of Government in American Society
Private Goods, Public Goods, and Merit Goods
How E-Government Can Improve Public Administration
The Web and Organizational Change: What the Research Shows
Case Study
3. Citizen Engagement and Digital Democracy
Virtual Public Spheres: Early Promise and Current Reality
Democracy, E-Participation, and E-Voting
Online Voting and Digital Democracy
Case Study
4. Who’s Watching the Watchdogs?: Protecting Privacy and Maintaining Security in the Digital Age
Privacy in the United States
Technology and Privacy: An Evolving Relationship
Personal Information on Government Websites
Case Study
5. The Digital Classroom: Public Education and ICT
Challenges Facing Current American Public Education
ICT and the Future of Public Education
Virtual Learning in K–12: The Next Digital Frontier in Education
Public Libraries in the Information Age
Case Study
6. Friending City Hall: How Governments and Citizens Can Use Social Media to Help Spur Change
Social Media, Web 2.0, and the Network Society
Government’s Use of Social Media
Social Media and E-Democracy
Case Study
7. E-Budgeting
Using ICT to Transform Public Budgeting
E-Budgeting and Participatory Budgeting
Case Study
8. E-Government and Federalism
Important Effects of Federalism
Information Sharing, Collaboration, and Coordination Within and Across Governments
Top-Down or Bottom-Up: What Is the Best Approach to Information Sharing?
Coordination Issues: Working with Citizens and Agencies
Case Study
9. The Future of E-Government in the United States
Impacts of E-Government
Emerging Trends in E-Government
The Virtual Republic: The Final Stage of E-Government
Case Study
“I spent fifteen years in the government before coming to academia, and I can say that government and public administration is now wholly and completely ‘e-government’ from a practitioner’s standpoint.”
— Joe Lyons, director and assistant professor, Security and Strategic Intelligence Program, Saint Louis University
“Cropf offers demonstrated uses of Information and Communications Technology in the areas of budgeting, education, improved service delivery, as well as uses for local government. Cropf’s book is a definite read for any public manager.”
— Tim Bagwell, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Walden University
“Cropf’s text provides a useful compilation of insights into the promise and perils of ubiquitous information and communication technology in the public sector. It is a valuable addition to the library of those who seek to better understand concepts like ‘e-government,’ ‘Government 2.0,’ and ‘intergovernmental relations.’ . . . I can think of several courses in our Masters in Public Administration program where this would be a contribution. It would fit well in a special topics course and equally so in introduction to public administration.”
— George E. Reed, dean, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
“Robert Cropf offers an engaging and enjoyable text for students in public administration, public management, public policy, and nonprofit management. The text exposes students to emerging trends in e-government to help prepare them for careers in the modern public sector.”
— Bob Blankenberger, chair, Public Administration, University of Illinois at Springfield
• Major concepts are brought into focus through numerous recent examples of e-government and ICT, such as "Smart Parking" apps, E-participation in South Korea, and innovative uses of social media.
• In-depth case studies ask students to imagine their own roles as public administrators in a rapidly changing technological environment.
• Web exercises at the end of each chapter prompt students to perform their own analyses of real-world policy and public management scenarios.
• Key terms are highlighted throughout the text while their definitions are conveniently found at the end of each chapter.